Nereus Isles Geographic Location in Forge Islands | World Anvil

Nereus Isles

The name Nereus derives from the mythical creatures Nereids or mermaids that are said to reside in the sea depths below. No one knows much about these creatures including their appearance, but their existence is unmistakable thanks to their characteristic shrieks that can be heard some nights along with the deadliness of the waters next to The Nereus Cyclone  


  During the massive migration two generations ago, the Nereus Isles were one of the very first unexplored territories that one would come across while drawn from the West towards the warmth of the Hearth. For many at that early stage it was merely a temporary stop while heading further East in hopes of better lands. The people that did decide to make the Nereus Isles their home were led by a great geologist that discovered that the area was rich in Wolframium, a rare metal found naturally in the mountains there. Despite the otherwise relatively infertile soil, the people of the Nereus Isles became wealthy very quickly due to the trade of tungsten that was exclusive to the area. The Isles now due to their wealth and vast monetary dealings have attracted many interested in making quick money through various means. While trade is one way to do that, an elite underground scene has been growing as of the most recent years. Gambling, prostitution, underground fight clubs and the most notorious black market, make up the darker side of the Nereus Isles.   

Politics & Power

  Order and political power functions through the most influential and wealthy individual on the Isles, that goes by the name of Pontus though no one knows his background or true identity. It is common logic however that should one surpass his wealth and influence, they will seize his position and status.  

Geography & Climate

  In contrast to most of the islands around the Hearth, the Nereus Isles float at slower intervals of time and they never reach too high up from the sea level. They seem to be intimately drawn to the mysterious cyclone that is ever-present.   Most of the settlers are located in the most Eastern island, with the majority of them residing close to the foot of the mountain there, in order to have easy access to the Wolframium mines.   The cold as well as the strong winds that are characteristic to the area, have been greatly suppressed by magic and technology alike in order to lessen the harsh conditions. However, as the great frost grows inwards and the hearth seems to grow dimmer, the Nereus Isles are becoming increasingly more dangerous.
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