Invasion of Dwarven Lands In Svartalfheim by the First Dark Elves and their Creators, Enslavement of the Dwarves Military Conflict in Folkvangr and the Nine Realms | World Anvil
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Invasion of Dwarven Lands In Svartalfheim by the First Dark Elves and their Creators, Enslavement of the Dwarves


Many Light Elfs hungered for more than they could achieve in Alfheim. They wanted power and precious goods. Twenty-one Light Elves left Alfheim and formed a pack. They would train as many offspring (See Faeda) as they could in secret, then convene and invade Dwarven lands in what is now known as Svartalfheim, to rule over them and inherit their power.  

Dark Elf

These first offspring, bred to be weapons of war, were the first of the Dark Elfs. Their skin was not the same color as their sun-stricken ancestors and their babe-like intelligence made it clear to the Light Elf separatists that they were a new species of Elves. They were bigger, stronger and sometimes faster, but had to be taught all the things they learned, like the children of Humans.  


Twelve years later in the dead of night on a windless evening, the Light Elf separatists and their constructed Dark Elf soldiers gathered near Yggdrasil in Folkvangr. They boarded magical boats which crawled along the roots of the tree into the realm of Svartalfheim. There they mounted a secret offense, sneaking into the Dwarven caves under cover of night. They took every Dwarf in a position of power hostage, and within a week most Dwarves had surrendered and had their powers of size-shifting taken from them, as well as their natural means to reproduce. The elves had won.  


The Light Elf separatists and the Dark Elves they constructed held an assembly and it was voted on who would rule over the realm and how. It was decided that a council of twenty-one members would vote on all issues, and should any one of them die, they will be replaced by the next fittest of the mind and body. Initially those twenty-one members were all the twnety-one Light Elves, but as years went on and treachery became life for the Dark Elves, and soon no more of the Light Elves remained to rule over Svartalfheim, they were murdered out of power and then the council was purely comprised of the dark blooded Elves.  


Many hundred of Dwarves were able to escape with their lives and not succumb to slavery. Some created colonies in other realms to protect themselves, and some hid deep within Svartalfheim as the Dark Elves now called it, after themselves. Constant Dwarven rebellions are sparked as millennia go by to free their Dwarven brothers. Dwarven technology is beginning to advance to a point where they may make a difference soon.
Conflict Type

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