Tanese Language in Flightless | World Anvil


Geographical Distribution

Spoken throughout the Tanish Kingdom and a lingua franca through the desert region.


Consonants: / b d dz g j k kʼ l m n p s t ts tsʼ tʼ w x ʁ ʃ ʔ/ Vowels: /a e eɪ i u ɪ/


In the nominative case, the suffix -(i)r is added to make a plural. Amal (man) > amalir (men).   In the accusative case, the suffix -(i)t is added to the root word: amalit. Plurals in the accusative case take the suffix -(u)d. Amalit (man) > amalud (men)


The main word order is Subject-Object-Oblique-Verb. Adjectives go before the noun, and postpositions are used.   The definite article is u and is the same as the word for "this". Definite articles are not used for uncountable nouns, and there is no indefinite article.
Common Phrases
Pim sep pebab?
Dance with me?