Sarvich Language in Flightless | World Anvil


Geographical Distribution

It's the official language of the Mangzmat province of Taalora, and the dominant language in the more populous southern half of it. It's spoken along the coast by the Sarvich people, and in small pockets by natives throughout the empire.


Initial consonents: b bl br d dr f fr h j k kl l m n p pr s t ts ts tsv v z g gl r ʃ ʃn ʃpr ʃt Middle consonents: b bl d f h k kt l lf lt lz m n nd nt ntl nts nz r rt s st t ts tv tx tst z ŋ ŋk g rb rkl rt rg Final consonents: f k kt l lpst ls lst lt m mt n ns nst nt p pt pf r s st t ts tst x xt ŋ ŋk ŋs ŋst g rl rn rst rt rx   Vowels: a aɪ aʊ e i o u øː ɛ ɪ ʊ ʏ


sarvich morphology


Subject-Object-Verb-Oblique Adjectives go before the noun
Common Phrases
Vus schanaenautich!
Faefü banif
Good morning
Lanei kaul sefikü eko?
How are you? (lit., how's your weather?)
Tsa küd afau ko
Goodbye (lit., luck be with you)
Common Female Names
Brongune, Künil, Una, Ahise, Schne, Falle, Nangiru, Tup
Common Male Names
Panil, Abaudam, Ristam, Vungad, Nuttur, Fauch, Maeden