Rockeaters Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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While it may look barren and uninhabitable, Desert actually has a variety of interesting and unique creatures that have learned to survive in these harsh conditions. They might be hard to spot because they like to hide away under rocks, the scarce foliage or live underground. One of these strange underground dwellers are creatures known as rockeaters.


Living in mazes of underground tunnels, rockeaters have evolved to look very snake-like, though they aren’t really snakes. They are more of a lizard-snake species. They have long necks that kinda just end with a mouth, but don’t seem to have a very pronounced head, and they don’t have eyes either - they don’t need them down here in the dark. They have similarly long tail with spiky growths on them, possibly to help them with all the tunnel digging.

Their body is very short and only has two legs. They use these legs to walk and dig tunnels. It's interesting that they seem to have the front right and hind left leg, while they lost other two through evolution. You wold expect them to keep both front or hind legs, but who knows why they evolved this way.

They are about a meter long, usually red on top and yellow on the bottom.


Rockeaters spend the majority of their time underground. They may come out in the night to get some fresh air and look for some tasty rocks. They live in colonies that work and live together, digging tunnels and collecting rocks. They usually live near the oases where they have better access to fresh water at least.

They usually keep to themselves and live away from mole settlements, but considering all of the mole settlements are underground too, they so often wander into them as well. They aren’t a threat, but can be quite annoying when they dig a hole into your wall, or climb into your home through your toilet. They mean no harm though, they are just looking for some rocks to eat. The best thing you can do is take them out of your home, and hope they will find their way back home. Don’t let them into your rock collection though.


As their name suggests, rockeaters primarily eat rocks. It’s the one thing that’s abundant down here in the underground of Desert. They will eat just about any rock they can fit into their mouth. They don’t really have teeth so they just swallow these rocks whole and digest them for hours, days, or even weeks.

Through the digestive process, they will turn these rocks into fertile dirt, which is good, but essentially doesn’t make enough difference to turn any significant amount of land more fertile. It does help a bit in keeping the oasis areas alive and well.

Average Weight
depends on how many rocks they've eaten recently
Average Length
Geographic Distribution
Red and yellow


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