Kakadu Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Kakadus are common birds of Å+*4~ and Fairy Gardens. They are a hybrid of a cockatoo and a pigeon, and are basically pigeons of our world. Except they’re much more annoying. They’re known to shriek loudly, shit on stuff, steal things from people, or even get tangled in your hair or something terrible like that. The latter isn’t very likely to happen, but also not unheard of, so be careful out there.

Geographic distribution

Kakadus are very common all across Å+*4~ and Fairy Gardens. Different subspecies may live strictly in towns, while other ones can only be found in forests of Fairy Gardens. They are less common in western Å+*4~, near Desert.


Kakadus mainly feed on seeds and fruits, but that may depend on the area where they live and what food is available there. They will eat berries from berry bushes growing in Å+*4~, but can be quite a problem in Fairy Gardens, in fruit orchards and nut farms. In Å+*4~ in particular it isn’t uncommon to see people in parks feeding kakadus fruits, seeds and nuts.


Å+*4~ Kakadus have been observed to live in small colonies in parks and any areas with trees. Their colonies consist of one to three kakadu couples with their kakadu chicks. In Fairy Gardens, and especially in the forests, these colonies can get much bigger. These kakadus live together, hoard food together and take care of each other’s chicks if needed.

Because Å+*4~ kakadus live near people, they are naturally curious about them and unafraid. They aren’t afraid to get close, beg for food or even take items from you. Not unlike many bird species, they especially like small shiny trinkets they can easily carry away so especially don’t leave any jewelry or keys or such outside unattended.

Kakadu subspecies

Green Kakadu

A common kakadu found in pretty much every town of Å+*4~. They are green, as their name suggests, and the ones that are the loudest and most annoying.

Fairy kakadu

these kakadus live in Fairy Gardens. They are particularly loud in the mornings- they announce the arrival of the new day with their shrieking. People here know the kakadus as “nature’s alarm clock” and are accustomed to waking up together with them. They stay away from people more, but will raid orchards and fields. They are more colorful than their Å+*4~ cousins.

Forest kakadus

These are the kakadus that only live deep in forests of Fairy Gardens. They don’t encounter people often in there, and tend to be quite frightened by uninvited visitors.

Kakadus in comics

Kakadus can frequently be spotted in BBOLJ and DANGER COMIC

Average Height
Average Weight
wild; cities and forests
Geographic Distribution
Ä+*4~, Fairy Gardens
Forest Kakadu
City Kakadu
Fairy Kakadu


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