Insect Plants Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Insect Plants

What are they?

In many worlds of the multiverse insects are considered to be part of the animal kingdom, and for insects of other worlds that seems to make perfect sense. But that’s not the case in our world. Here, the insects fall right into the gap between plants and animals. While in many ways they do act like animals, they in many other ways resemble plants.

Plant vs. Animal?

Well there really is no debate between the two, they are equal parts both. They start their life cycle as a plant, and then as they reach adulthood, they continue on as animals. Most of them grow on trees, bushes, or flowers. They grow into a part of a plant, such as a leaf, fruit, blossom, or a twig. When they grow to a sufficient size, they detach from the said plant and start life on their own. Most of them continue living on the plant or near it, often acting as pollinators to ensure a new generation of insects next year. Most of them don’t survive winter, and they rarely live longer than a year. Some, such as butterflies also pollinate any other nearby plants, which makes them a welcome addition to any garden or orchard.

What kinds are there?

In out world, you will encounter many different kinds of these insects, and here are some of them:

Butterfly Flowers

These flowers bloom every year into beautiful colorful butterflies.These butterflies will pollinate all of the nearby flowers and are most frequently seen in gardens and orchards of Fairy Gardens, but can be found in Ä+*4˜ as well. You can read more about them here.

Moth Flowers

Similar to Butterfly flowers, these grow moths. They play a part in pollinating other flowers, but care also be a great nuisance if they get into your home because they eat cereals and fabrics. They can be found tgohab. You can read more about them here.


Spotbug bushes can be found in many part of Ä+*4˜ and Fairy Gardens. These grow berries that, when they reach maturity, detach and fly away as a spotted bug. During their berry phase, they often fall victim to birds, but a lot of them still manage to survive. Fruit eating fairies knows these bushes very well and avoid eating from them, it just wouldn’t be right.

Twig bug

These come from very rare twig bug trees that can be found in larger forests of Ä+*4˜. They grow at the very and of tree branches, and when they grow big enough detach and move on to live as insects.

A variety of black twig bug can be found in some areas of tgohab, where they grow on thorn shrubs. These look a bit more menacing since they are covered in thorns and mishandling one will get you hurt so be kind to them. They mean no harm, thorns are only self-defense.

You can see one of them in their natural habitat here

Leaf Bug

Very similar to twig bugs, these don’t grow from branches, but leaves. They grow on just as rare Leaf Bug tree that can only be found in Fairy Gardens.

Pillow Bug

These grow on a tree that can only be found in certain areas of Fairy Gardens. They grow on pillow trees as tiny green pillow shaped fruits. People in nearby areas bake cookies shaped like these and colored with green coloring. Before you eat anything though make sure you have a cookie and not the actual bug!

Articles under Insect Plants


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