Hell - the Offices Organization in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Hell - the Offices

Most people see hell as a terrible place you wouldn’t want to find yourself in. And for the most part, that is true. But Hell is a necessary evil of our world, there to keep things running smoothly and get the dead safely out of the world of the living. It’s not like they will just drag unsuspecting victims into Hell, there is a whole system of who does or doesn’t need to go to Hell. And the ones keeping track of that are the main offices of Hell.


These offices are located at the very top of Hell. They represent the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. They can only be accessed through the judgment room of the Ice Palace.

What exactly happens there?

All of the employees here are the damned - the one who died and had to enter hell. These offices in a way represent the first stage of Hell. With the amount of paperwork that needs to be done here, the work never stops, and keeping it all organized for every person at all times can be a nightmare. The things they keep track of here is every person’s lifespan, each time years get added or taken off of someone’s life span, the time that has already passed, keeping track of the time everyone has left, and of course, welcoming the newcomers to Hell.

Anytime someone is ready to enter Hell, that includes all kinds of paperwork to be done for them. All of their sins and good deeds need to be reviewed, the amount of years they’ve been alive, the exact plan for their time in Hell needs to be planned out etc… One you die and go to Hell, you could still spend months here, waiting to be let into actual Hell.

And when you do get there, better hold on to all of your paperwork; all sorts of terrible things happen in Hell, and you wouldn’t wanna get the wrong punishment, especially not a worse one.

So is it really that bad?

Well, they don’t call it Hell for nothing. As much as they try to present themselves as a neutral organization, just there to do their paperwork and escort you safely and comfortably to Hell, some of the things that happen in there are really uncalled for. To be honest, there is no reason why afterlife should be equated with suffering, but as long as Satan is in charge of this place, things are the way they are. People tend to equate the whole organization of Hell with suffering, but it really shouldn’t need to be so.

Governmental, Department


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