Heart Fruit Delicacies Tradition / Ritual in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Heart Fruit Delicacies

Obtaining heart fruit

Deep in the Wasteland there is a region populated by bat people. They are, very specifically, fruit bats. But how do fruit bats get a sufficient amount of fruit out here in a barren wasteland that has barely any plants, let alone fruit trees? They import most of it, but this can be costly. Luckily though, they do have one secret source of fruit, and this is one of the Floaty Islands, floating around the east side of the continent of T@Ö#Ä3.

People living here have figured out that this island floats by exactly twice a year, and that’s when they sail out to get the heart fruit. This event is a well anticipated holiday that everyone is looking forward to and lasts for two weeks - that’s about the amount of time the floaty island is accessible from here. During this time the people keep sailing back and forth, bringing in the fruit that will have to last them for the next five months. This island isn’t very big and only has a limited amount of heart trees, but you gotta realize that there aren’t that many bat people either.

Uses for heart fruit

Heart fruit can be used for a wide variety of delicacies. It can be eaten as is, made into a fruit salad, fruit cake, jam, fruit juice, or it can be canned or jarred. Its use also greatly changes depending on the time of the year.

  • Fruit - The fruit as such is only eaten during the two weeks of the harvest time. Fruit doesn't stay good for very long, so you have to eat all you can before it goes bad. Fruits can be eaten alone as a snack, or be made into a fruit salad.
  • Fruit Cakes - If some of your heart fruits are starting to go bad, don’t despair! They can still be made into a variety of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, muffins, you name it! We also can’t forget the refreshing heart fruit ice cream that is much needed in this hot region
  • Jams, canned fruit, etc.. - Fruit itself might go bad after a while, but there are ways to prolong its life. This can be done by canning or jarring it, or making it into a juice or jam that might not last until the next heart fruit harvest, but will last longer than two weeks at least.
  • Fruit juice - Heart fruit juice is very important to bat people. Now imagine this - if your life revolved around pretending that you're a vampire, what could be more perfect and edgy than red juice made out of a fruit that literally looks like a heart?

Growing your own heart fruit

Sailing out to a floaty island every 5-6 months seems like a whole thing. Isn’t there a way for bat people to grow their own heart fru- let me stop you right there. No. No, there isn't a way for them to grow their own heart fruits, and trust me, they tried. It’s just that nothing will grow very well here in Wasteland, especially not fruit trees. Bats have many times attempted to grow the heart fruit trees here, but so far they have only been able to grow really small and feeble trees, growing nothing more than heart berries. These aren’t very tasty or anything, but they look really cute so now many people just keep them as decorative plants.

Heart Fruit


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