Dreams Physical / Metaphysical Law in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Why do we dream?

Every evening it’s time for every mole to go to sleep and get some well deserved and much needed rest. But while moles need sleep every night, their inner fairies never sleep. They have to stay up all night, keeping up the body and making sure everything runs smoothly even through the night. Though they generally don’t sleep, their nights do get a bit slower as well. As a mole goes to bed, the inner fairies start slowly shutting down most of the computers. They shut off most of everything, apart from the machinery in charge of the most important biological needs, but even those get slowed down. Inner fairies slow down one’s breathing, heartbeat, metabolism and everything else and let the few machines work on their own.

While everything else works on its own, fairies still have work to do. With mole’s mind mostly turned off, they take time to sort and review the footage from the day. They look through everything, decide what’s important and what’s not, what to archive deep in the back of one’s mind and what to keep in the front, ready to use when needed. When sorting through all the data, inner fairies also have to note all of the similar memories, all of the emotions felt, and connect them to all the other memories with the same properties. This often causes them to bring up many other memories, thoughts and ideas that might have been long forgotten otherwise. All of this what a mole experiences as a dream. Weird random thoughts and memories from the past, present and fantasy bleeding into each other, forming fantastical stories in their mind.

Types of dreams

As dreams may be built together from many different sources and many different reasons, we know a few different kind of dreams:

Memory Dreams

These are usually made of memories the mole looks back on more or less fondly. If they have been experiencing more positive emotions and have been in a happy state of mind, the inner fairies are more likely to bring up memories related to those feelings. Similarly, if they have been feeling more stressed and unhappy, their mind is more likely to bring up bad memories and thoughts. These can happen on any night and may be caused by periods of mundane routine where most things they do seem similar to everything else they ever did, or if they partake in an activity they haven’t done in a while; this will bring up the memories of the previous times they did the same thing.

Preoccupational Dreams

These revolve around subjects a mole has been thinking about lately. Maybe they started watching a new awesome show or maybe they’re been working on a new project - or maybe they are just really worried or stressed about something that's going on in their life. No matter what they do and no matter what feelings they have about it, if they do or think about something with significant frequency, it is more likely to appear in their dreams.

It’s also very common for moles to imagine all sorts of good and bad outcomes for their wishes or worries. These dreams will appear in periods when a mole is preoccupied with a certain thing in their daily life, and may also be related to resolving dreams that may be triggered if one plays their cards right.

Resolving Dreams

these dreams will usually reveal an idea or a solution to a problem a mole is facing during their waking life. They may be triggered by closely observing preoccupational dreams. If a mole’s preoccupation during their waking life is a problem they have to solve, or need a good idea for one or another project, they are well advised to record all of their thoughts and dreams about the subject. Writing thoughts down is a good way to get them out of your head, making room for new ideas and also being able to reread them and maybe see things from a different angle. This alone may help a mole come up with a solution already during their waking life, but analyzing a problem may be helpful in future dreams. With the new outlook on the problem, now with peace, quiet and time to focus, inner fairies may come up with solutions that present themselves to a mole during dreams.

Anxiety Dreams

More anxious moles, and moles who have been in a prolonged state of negative emotions are more prone to these dreams. All the negative emotions a mole is experiencing will bring up all of the unpleasant memories and fears they hold in their mind. They can also be a form of preoccupational dream, if mole’s negative feelings are caused by something they worry a lot about in a given time period. These dreams are nightmares, revolving around the mole’s deepest worries and fears, sometimes ones that they wouldn’t even think of contemplating. If a mole experiences these, they should write down all the feelings they were feeling during the dream as well as in waking life. That way they can process their emotions, recognize the source of them and find a solution to help them feel happier.

Recurring Dreams

This includes all the themes, items, places, events and anything else that frequently appear in one’s dreams. These are usually a message their subconscious has for them. Sometimes one’s mind may even produce an elaborate dream world, in which everything has its place and meaning. This happens to everyone and is one of the main reasons why one should keep a detailed dream journal to begin with. If you keep track of the recurring elements in your dreams and when and how they present to you, you’ll always be fairly easily able to recognize what your inner fairies are trying to communicate to you. These might be new ideas, solutions, reminders, warnings or advice.

Message Dreams

This doesn’t apply as much to dreams as a whole, but more to certain elements that may appear in one’s dream. This may be a random appearance of an item, place or activity a mole hasn’t thought of in a long time, or it may be a common thing of one’s daily life presented in a way that one hasn’t thought of before. This element will somehow significantly appear in the dream causing the dreamer to retain some fixation on it after waking up. These are suspected to very commonly be a message from Glitter God or Satan for the dreamer to act in relation to the dream element. For example, if you’d have a very specific dream about getting a new phone, then you should get a new phone in real life, if you had a notable dream about that coffee shop in town you don’t think much about, then you ought to go there. These messages may very well range from random and mundane as the examples, but may apply to more serious life situations as well.

Creative Dreams

These are the best and most desired type of a dream to have. When you feel happy and free from all of the worries of your daily life, you will be able to sleep better and your mind will roam free. These dreams can hold elements of recurring or solution dreams, but their main purpose isn’t as much communicating something important to oneself, as it is just enjoying a fun vacation inside your mind. These are usually pleasant and particularly vivid and elaborate. There are no limits to what may or may not happen in these dreams. They are a product of a good deep sleep and result in a mole waking up refreshed, happy and ready to take on the challenges the new day will face them with.

Lucid Dreams

Probably the most important of all are lucid dreams. Moles do keep dream journals, but even better than figuring out what to do about your dream when you’re already awake, is influencing it while you’re still in it. Lucid dreaming is a skill moles are taught from a young age and most adults have mastered it and know how to trigger it. A lucid dream can and is welcome to be triggered in any type of the above dreams. In anxiety dreams or solution dreams one can try out different solutions for hypothetical scenarios while still safe inside their mind, with no fear of consequences. It should be noted though, that the dream outcome will be heavily influenced by one’s own mindset and may not be true to what may happen in reality.

Which Dream?

As you may notice, a lot of these dream types often overlap, no one dream is strictly one or the other. With keeping up with a dream journal is easier to tell which dream is more one or the other type though, which makes it easier to decide what to do and how to deal with a certain dream.

Dream Journals

As already implied heavily thus far, moles tend to keep quite elaborate dream journals. As their subconscious or even the gods themselves may have important messages for them it only makes sense to keep a record of it. But keeping a dream journal isn’t as easy as it may seem at first. Because of that, children from a young age are taught how to keep up with their dreams and master the skill of lucid dreaming. It’s believed to be one of the basic skills one should master and is also taught in schools. Many classes that revolve around dreams and dream journals are also available to adults - you’re never too old to learn new tips about how to deal with your subconscious mind and cope with daily challenges and emotions one will experience in their day to day life.

Dreams may often appear in Big Book of Lame Jokes and DANGER COMIC


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