Cyphermancers Profession in Fiven Chronicles | World Anvil


Vibrations of the Weave can be accessed by an individual provided the individual has undergone the specific training necessary to tune their mind to interact with these supersymmetric string vibrations. The need for this intensive training that takes dedicated study and physical regimen is a large part of why there is not a large number of cyhpermancers in any given region.
A rare few are born with a mind already tuned to be receptive to the Weave and its vibrations and harmonies. This natural ability is called the ‘Talent’. Yet, even being born with the Talent, those rare people must still undergo training to hone their natural skills.
Those fully trained in manipulating the harmonic vibrations are called cyphermancers. The term is ancient, predating the Torin Republic and comes from the process through which a cyphermancer interacts with the Weave.
Interacting with the Weave is a matter of diverting or manipulating the harmonics and vibrations of the supersymmetric strings themselves. This requires the cyphermancer to ‘code’ the temporary alterations to the string vibrations, then releasing it into the Weave for processing. This results in effects from lighting a candle to reshaping or charging metal with an energy field and more.
However, the Weave interacts with all elements and aspects of spacetime. So these ‘coding’ efforts of cyphermancers are not permanent, as the Weave resists alterations to its natural flow, much the same way a river will resist being diverted from its natural course. Therefore cyphermancers cannot ‘recode reality’ as some fear-mongering opponents of cyphermancy claim.



To become a cyphermancer requires six years of intensive study in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and musical theory. However, those that choose this path must also follow a specific diet and exercise routine as 'coding' in the Weave can be physically demanding.


Social Status

Cyphermancers, because of the dangerous nature of their work, are viewed in some regions with suspicion. Some countries regulate them heavily, due to past tragedies where an unstable cypher vaporized part of a city.



No tools are required for cyphermancers to do their work. However, there are devices and objects cyphermancers can use to assist them. First is a simple tuning fork. For a particularly difficult or intricate 'cyper' or 'coding' a cyphermancer meditates to get a sense of how the Weave is flowing around them. A tuning fork helps them 'tune' their mind, making it more receptive to the Weave. Some keep notebooks or similar materials handy to work out algorithms or equations that assist them in meditation.
Another item is Palik stones. These stones, either worked or raw, have a strong interaction with the Weave. Cyphermancers can use these rare stones to augment their ability to 'code' alterations in the Weave.

Dangers & Hazards

There is always danger in interacting with the Weave. Most of the danger is personal, though in extreme situations it can go well beyond the cyphermancer.
As a cyphermancer 'codes' a change in the Weave, there is always a chance that the cyphermancer misread a vibration, or miscalculated how the harmonics would interact once the 'cypher' is released. This causes an unstable change in the Weave. Most times, this will cause a backlash of energy directed at the cyphermancer. The cyphermancer could become burned, bones broken or worse.
In a situation where a severe unstable change has taken place, the cyphermancer could be consumed by the change. Both cyphermancer, and some of the surrounding area near the cyphermancer, could explode or even vaporize as the Weave's vibrations disrupt every element in that area at one time.
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Dec 19, 2019 02:11 by Amy Winters-Voss

I was drawn in by the name and happy to find it was even more of a gem than I anticipated. The mix of music and coding here is delightful!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Dec 19, 2019 11:17 by C. B. Ash

Thank you so much! I'm absolutely delighted with the article and I'm looking forward to using this in a story soon!