Session 75: Last Ride of The Regulators Report in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Session 75: Last Ride of The Regulators

General Summary

Second Ascenscion

43rd of Sommeren, 22nd year of the Second Era   As the The Regulators stepped through the wizard's door to return to Clambock Levut's palace, they foundthemselves back in the ancient temple of Udal in Sacramond. Each of them is standing on the symbol of their goddess when the Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge entered. He congratulated them on retrieving all of the weapons without his help. As his part in this saga was coming to an end, he wanted to impart them with some last minute knowledge. He explained that any magical weapon could harm Orcus's avatar, but only the weapons of the Fyra could destroy his heart, killing the god permenantly. He also told them that if they are at risk of failing in destroying him, they could choose to call on their goddesses for assistance in simply banishing him.   Meara asked him about the stone they found in the Dragon's lair and if he could tell them what it said. He aknowlwedged that he knew what the inscriprtions likely refered to, but the matter was outside the realm of that which he was permiotted to interfere with, and assured them they already knew someoen who could help.   Whith that he banished his mortal avatar, and revealed the true form of Udal herself, before ascending again from the Mortal Realm.   Theyt then foudn themselves crossing the threshold of the wizard's door and arriving in Anexa as if their jouney had never been interupted. They proceeded to bed, Malcolm checking in with Arget Ethyn before getting fresh clothes and weashing off the stench of sulfur.   While at the palace they are informed that their gathered forces are already on their way to Hame to begin fighting back Orcus' army to the boundries of the city itself, and htey expect The Regulators to be heading that way in a few days.  

Shattered Skies

44th of Sommeren, 22nd year of the Second Era   The following day, Malcolm stopped by Alaric's grave, speaking to the headstone and letting him know that they would soon be getting vengence against the god that corrupted him. Alaric appeared as he only could to the champion of death, and told him he was thankful, but when it was over he wanted them all to get back to livng a simple life in his honor.   The regulators then arrived at Lord Ozin Lorimer's tower and foudn a satchel he had left them. In it included the same message they recieved at the palace, as well as gifts; 20 iron bullets infused weith holy oil and a device that would allow them to recall Serenity no matter where they were in relation to it.   They then proceded to the Museum of Fehu Culture and Artifacts. They met the new half-elf steward of the meseum, Edith, who retrieved Lorenas on their request. He invited them to the worklshop where htey pulled out the stone from the dragon's lair. Lorenas recognized the unreadable symbols and explained htey were an ancient Fehu poetry device that allowed them to communicate larger ideas through individual symbols.   He passes on information as he translates the symbols. It first tells the forgotten history that they hav alaready learned about the original champions and their defeat of Mantus, the great migration to Sacramond, and an era where they lived under "shatttered skies."   It then prohesiszes the return of mantus and a new generation of champions who will defeat Mantus again, but it will bring about the return of "shattered skies." After checking several sources, Lorenas reveals that "shattered skies" was how the Fehu prophets refer to the era when Dragons ruled over mortals.    

Hame at Last

46th of Sommeren, 22nd year of the Second Era    As Serenitry arrived near Hame they found a field of tents with banners representing all of the nations of Acreomond, The vampire families loyal to Silas, The Holy Regulators, as well as a formation of Rupert Wasser's Stone Army already in place. On their way to the generals' tent they noticed other familiar faces like Gronk, the rock troll from the Twilight Forest, and Tidgrud.  Hame itself was covered in a supernatural storm and the undead army of Orcus was hiding in the shadow of the city walls, waiting for the sun to set.   They met with Wasser and the leaders of the other armies and discussed the assault on the city. Zuko agreed to turn the battle field back to daylight after Silas and his vampire warriors finish their part of the assault, at which point the Holy Regulators would deal with the next wave. The Regulators could either wait for the army outside the city to be defeated and march in with the army or fly into the city to deal with Orcus while the fight is ongoing. They chose the later, asking for a small contingent of Palhas soldiers on Serenity when they land inside.    After the meeting, they joined Wasser on the front line as he gave a speech to all of the armies, stressing that their country of origin doesn't metter on this day, and this was a fight for living against the dead. As the sun set the army marched out to meet the army of the dead and Zuko tuend night into day before Serenity took to the air. As the Ship crossed over the city wall, it was rocked several times. Thradreg Duskchin reported that one of the undead Wyvens follwoed them. After several more impacts they felt the ship fall from the sky, slam into the ground and spin as it slid to a stop. Malcolm called Duskchin for a report and recieved no response.   After opening the ramp they spotted Duskchin's body laying about a hundred yards behind the ship, having been thrown during the initial impact. Zuko immediately sped towards him on his hover bike and swooped up Duskchin as a swarm of undead charged into the intersection. Trystan Evan told Malcolm he could get the ship up and running but htey would need to clock themselves in teh ship while he made repairs. As Zuko returned with Duskchin, Kaylee assured them he would be ok and sent them on their way.   They proceeded to the Temple of the Black Star cathedral where htey foudn the doors sealed. The pavement infront of the cathedreal cracked creating a ramp under the cathedral.  They entered and found Orcus floating in the cntral chamber. He offered them one last chance to be left alone, as their obligation was destroy MAntus, not interfere with him. They refused, and promised he would not be able to bring them any further loss.   Early in the battle, Meara used her ethereal trap to restrain Orcus, leaving him vunerable and unable to advance, making it easy for the Regulators to chip away at his avatar and reveal the god heart. Each of them struck the heart with the champion weapons until it was just Echo. She leapt through the air, with both daggeras out and Alaric's spirit appeared beside her to help her destroy the heart once and for all. A high pitched wine and increasing light told them it was no longer safe in the temple and they fled just before the heart exploded, destroying the cathedral and many of the surrounding buildings. AS the divine explosion washed over them the Regulators were pulled unbiden into memories of the past, espescially those that had occured since the events in White Bluff.      


  The undead inside and outside of the city fell as soon as the Orcus was destroyed. The continental army rushed into the city a few moments later and celebrated when they saw The Regulators and that there were no more enemies to fight. They returned to Serenity, and Kaylee informed them that Duskchin would live, but the extent of his permenant injuries wouldn't be known until he had time to rest. Serenity however was ready to take off.   They flew back to camp, and shortly after landing they found Gavin Searson kneeling next to the body of Tidgrud. Gavin told them how he continued impossibly fighting through fatal injuries until the moment that the army fell, then seemed to go with peace and acceptance. Also among the fallen was Barros, who had once told them he was destined to die the night they prevented the tablet from being taken by the Cult of Mantus, and had joined the Holy Regulators in service of that change of fate.   Lord Ozin Lorimer met with Zuko and handed him a package before dissapearing. Inside was three more Wizard's Door knobs and keys to Wasser's estate, the Holy Regulators headquarters and Touching Tips Ranch.   With no family remaining, Tidgrud was left to The Regulators to decide how he would be put to rest. Malcolm, ordered the ship to be taken to White Bluff, feeling it was most appropriate final resting place. During the trip, Duskchin woke up, and Kaylee informed Malcolm that he would not be able to walk again. Malcolm informed Duskchin that the fight with Orcuis was over, and assured him that he would still like Duskchin to take over as Captain of Serenity, continuing their shipping and smuggling business.   They picked up Arget Ethyn on the way to White Bluff and landed not far from where The Vestige crashed, and carried Tidgrud in a makeshift boat to the beach where they once entered Witch's Cove. They held a small ceremony before casting the boat  into the ocean, where Malcolm then used his last Dragon's Breath Rounds to light the boat on fire.     They returned to Anexa where there was a formal celebration of the end of the war. Noticibly not in attendance was Lorimer and Alexandra Nordheim. During this celebration, Malcolm gifted Zuko with a fedora and an enchanted whip for his future tomb raiding adventures. He also gifted Meara, Echo and Ethed withy enchanted rings thyat would allow them to feel eachothers' heartbeats. Meara requested Alaric's old Mask of Many Faces to help keep her safge from the Ivorr's Hunstmen, and with that they parted ways.   Echo, connected with Sebastian Braun to start an Orphanage in Anexa. Malcolm went with Arget to start their their domestic life in Boheim. Zuko began artifact hunting full time for the Museum of Fehu Culture and Artifacts, and Meara continued her work as a huntsman inspite of being a fugitive of the order.   One year later there is an anniversary celebration of the death of Orcus. During this year, the Kingdom of Palhas becomes a parlimentary democracy. Wasser is selected as the country's representitve to the Quorum of Acreomond, and Clambock Levut becomes the Head of State for Palhas.   The celebration is held in Wasser's great hall, where the stained glass windows have been replaces with images fromt he Regulators' adventures. Lorimer is in attendance this time, and Zuko is able to finish his key prank, causing Lorimers pants to fall down under the weight of his key ring. Lorimer aknowledges Malcolm and lets him know he will be expecting him at his tower.   Malcolm slips away and joins Lorimer at the tower. Lorimer confirms that he knows the Malcolm has to kill him, and he's been traveling through time for nearly 2000 years to delay his fate. Lorimer was setting the tower to destroy itself after he was dead, and sat in a chair facing the sunset as Malcolm used Reaper's Hand to bring his life to an end.  

The Fall of the Regulators

    Over the following years, Zuko and Edith from the museum developed a relationship. 20 years after the death of Orcus, Lorenas passed away, leaving the museum to them, which is when Zuko retires from adventuring.  Meara eventually settles down with Ethed and Echo in Anexa. Ethed passes away 47 years after the fall Orcus, at the age of 86.   Malcolm and Arget have two more children and six grandkids before Arget passes at the age of 89. Malcolm sends a message to the other Regulators to meet him at the ranch, telling them its his time. He doesn't want to end up like Klizmir the Undying, so he has them end his life.   30 years after Malcolm is put to rest, Zuko dies peacfully in his home. 22 years later, Meara passes on as well. Echo, the last to join The Regulators, and in the end its sole remaining member, lived on long after she was the only one on Firnormond who could recall their story.   The End
Report Date
22 Nov 2023


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