Udal (deity) Character in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Udal (deity)

The goddess Udal is recognized as a member of the "Orya" pantheon. Allegedly a survivor of The Millenium of Darkness . Both before and after her ascension, she believed that knowledge is power, and that power should be in the hands of all, regardless of station. Her symbol is a down-turned open book shedding sun rays below. Her clerics traditionally wear dark blue, and her temples are large public libraries. Her followers do not recruit followers, but are instead available for any who seek knowledge to help them through life. It is believed that Udal was close companions with a celestial in life that helped her achieve her following.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

a down-turned open book shedding sun rays below.

Tenets of Faith

-Knowledge is power -That power is the birth right of all mortal people, regardless of station
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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