The Millenium of Darkness Myth in Firnormond | World Anvil
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The Millenium of Darkness

While widely recognized and refereed to by academics, little is remembered of this legend by any species other than the elves of Acreomond. It was a time some 5000 years before the modern era, when the world suffered for a millennia under some great suffering. Some believe it was a time of literal darkness, but all agree it was a time of rampant death and chaos. The most common reference to this legend is that it was the time when the deities recognized in the Elven Pantheon earned their ascension. It was also said to be when Acreomond split into multiple continents, which is why many who wanted to flee the last great guild war, came searching for the original continent.

Historical Basis

This era is mentioned in countless historical writings, and is spoken of as fact among more reclusive Elven societies, as well as the Eldan and Kartonokans. Most prominently, it is mentioned as the time when the most recognized dieties were mortal, and the end of this era was when Acreomond was was split into multiple continents, which was proven true when it was rediscovered by refugees from Sacramond
Date of First Recording


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