White Bluff Settlement in Firnormond | World Anvil
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White Bluff

Was a Small farming town on the eastern coast of Palhas Province, just north of the Twilight forest. Sat on a tall white cliff that extend for miles in the area. Only about 8 guards total in town. Was very rare to get travelers as all towns beyond it are equally small and unimportant to travelers. Population is mostly human and gnomish   Population was no more than 2000. Town wells were fed from an underground river.   Known Locations in town: The Bronze Flask       -The crew of The Vestige crashed their airship near here on the 47th of Varmalev 21 2nd era. -On the 53rd of Varmalev 21 2nd Era, they heard that contact with the town had been lost, and a detachment of the Earrenian Imperial Vanguard was going to investigate. -on the 8th of Endhoste 21 2nd Era, Tidgrud informed them that the town had in fact been destroyed, likely in another attempt by hags to open a portal to the Feywild.

5/53/21 2E

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