Zofia Holvft Character in Felstadt | World Anvil

Zofia Holvft

Ordate of the Storm Giants

Zofia Holvft wears ornate blue and gold robes with an Eldingite seal denoting her station and her long hair in a single braid. She and her aide Regen Wakerock traveled to the hall of the Frost Giant Jarl Grugnor to entreat for aid on behalf of the Storm Giants when their city was attacked by Dhor.   While there, the two discovered Grugnor's part in the plot to disrupt the Giant Ordning, and were imprisoned underneath one of the Jarl's guest rooms. They were trapped there for many days until Achilla and the Shields happened to be boarded in the guest room, found them and released them. Ordate Zofia stayed behind while Regen joined the party to enter the Jarl's tournament and gain audience with him.   Later, the two accompanied the party and the combined forces of the Frost Giants under their new leader Yrsa Trollsbane and the newly freed Orcs led by Vy'Thek on their siege of the fortress of the Fire Giant King Snurre. The Ordate entered the fortress with the second wave of troops.  

Recent Events

Most recently, Ordate Zofia and Regen returned to Durssundrr to try and free the city from Dhor's influence. Their attempt was unsuccessful and they were instead imprisoned by Fyodirr Karkorum in the Storm Cells until they were set free by the Ring & Wren.   The two joined the battle in the city under the command of General Svetlyra. After the battle was won, Regen was dismissed from Zofia's employment so that he could fully aid in the attempt to retake the Iron Islands from Dhor.
Known Languages
Giant, Common