Storm Giant Species in Felstadt | World Anvil

Storm Giant


"Humans lack true awareness, and most wouldn't know an omen if it walked up and kissed them on the lips. A Storm Giant attunes itself to the world and glimpses the future in all things, perceiving moments yet to be."
  Storm Giants, the most powerful and majestic of giantkind, are also the most aloof and the least understood. Uvarjotuns aren't just forces of nature; they are bound to nature, and are extensions of it, in mystical ways that humans find hard to comprehend.  

Physical Description and Abilities

  Most Storm Giants have purple-gray skin and hair with glittering emerald eyes. Some rare Storm Giants are violet-skinned, with deep violet or blue-black hair and silvery gray or purple eyes.  


Storm Giants live in isolated refuges so far above the surface of the world or below the sea that they are beyond the reach of most other creatures. Some make their abodes in cloud-top castles so high that flying Dragons appear as specks below. Others live atop mountain peaks that pierce the clouds. Some occupy palaces covered with algae and coral at the bottom of the ocean, or grim fortresses in undersea rifts.  

Historical Figures

  Quintessant Rota Sturmdottir
Fyodirr Karkorum
Genetic Ancestor(s)