Cornflower Oakwind Character in Felival | World Anvil
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Cornflower Oakwind

Ranger-For-Hire Cornflower Oakwind

Ran away from home as a kit to go live with her rapscallion rogue of a brother whom she idolized, the two worked together to start a ranger-for-hire business. Since Sparrowhawk's disappearance (she fears he may have abandoned her, and hence has been afraid to go searching), she has been loafing around, sometimes working when she runs out of beer money but mostly doing nothing of consequence. Sharp as a whip, but a big slacker. Difficult to motivate, sarcastic, tomboyish, observant, sneaky, mischievous, independent, woodland child.   WANDERHOME INFO   The Hunter (Adapted from the Vagabond and Ragamuffin)   The wilds are dark and terrifying, and yet you take comfort in them. You rest under swaying branches, and see the world while remaining unseen. You are alive. Your care is practical, natural, and unspoken.   Choose 2 you try to always be and 2 you know you can't be:   Discerning, Present // Effeminate, Enough   Choose 2 life lessons you’ve been taught and 2 you have rejected.  
  • You can’t stop the world from hurting you.
  • Your heroes will always let you down.
  • //  
  • Your parents made you who you are now.
  • Everything must someday die
  • Choose 1 thing you carry with you and 1 that’s been stolen from you, and tell the table about them.   Carried: A different name that your partner in crime gave you. Oakwind is not a name found in any census records in Felival.   Stolen: A beautiful necklace you acquired from an ambitious noble. Part of a matching pair acquired by Cornflower and Sparrowhawk during a thief camp raid, both were found missing alongside Sparrowhawk himself.

    Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Lean and muscular, but not slight. Build for climbing and balance. Heavily feathered coat gives the illusion of curves, but actual features are rather androgynous.

    Body Features

    Large paws, feathered fur, muscular.

    Facial Features

    Heavy brow and thick muzzle, very tall ears.

    Physical quirks

    Extremely good balance.

    Special abilities

    Acrobatics, marksmanship

    Apparel & Accessories

    Jacket: Green and navy suede coat with tall collar to hide face in. The material hue shifts slightly to help disguise silhouette when hunting/hiding in trees.

    Specialized Equipment

    Crossbow: A beautiful oaken crossbow is Cornflower's prized possesion. A gift from her brother. Comes with a cocking device and 4 sharp bolts.   Hunting Knife: Etched steel blade with a gut hook and a beautiful bone handle. Expertly crafted, and won through hard work.   Flint/tinder: Kept on the inside of her jacket.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born in Arbor town to a well-off family who valued appearence over affection, Cornflower ran away from home as a kit to go live with her rapscallion rogue of a brother whom she idolized, the two worked together to start a ranger-for-hire business. Since Sparrowhawk's disappearance (she fears he may have abandoned her, and hence has been afraid to go searching), she has been loafing around, sometimes working when she runs out of beer money but mostly doing nothing of consequence.


    Good as a kit, but abandoned alongside her family. Taught street smarts and hunting skills by her brother. Has been known to sneak into libraries to read about trees, but by the sun do NOT tell Adelaide or I swear-


    For Hire: Skilled Ranger
    Are weasles rustling your guinea pigs? Mysterious beasts stalking your travel trails? Or maybe you just saw a really cool rabbit and want to turn its pelt into a coat for your special someone? For the low, low price of whatever buys a keg and some lunch meat these days, Cornflower returns fast results. See her posters accross Elderhall and Arbor Town!

    Personality Characteristics


    Cornflower is generally rather lazy and unmotivated, but can be a hard worker when properly motivated.  
    Seeking Answers
    While she pretends to not care about the fact that her brother seemingly abandoned her, deep down she longs to know the real reason behind his sudden dissappearence.  
    Additionally, the goal of Cornflower and many other hunters and rangers accross felival is to earn the coveted title of Songslayer, which is given only to those brave enough to kill the rare and imposing wolves and coyotes that threaten feyle society.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Some Things You Can Always Do:
  • Climb a tree
  • Listen to the Wind
  • Look for tracks
  • Be somewhere you're not supposed to be
  • Say: "I have a bad feeling about this"
  • Lie
  • Likes & Dislikes

    The ground is a lesser means of travel: for Cornflower, trees are the bee's knees. With this love of arboreal locomotion comes an oddly out-of-place and near-encyclopedic knowlege of trees in this otherwise very non-academic feline. She may not know what a preposition is, but she does know every species of oak tree in the continent, how to identify them, and which ones have the best bark for climbing.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    The woods are a wild and wonderful place, and can both hold and share many secrets. Cornflower is skilled in the ways of hunting: playing wind, reading tracks, and remaining unseen are almost second nature to her.      
    Arbor Acrobat
    Squirrels have got nothing on Cornflower. Cocking a crossbow while precariously perched on a conifer bough takes some serious balance and core strength.    
    Teenage Hooligan
    Table manners might not be her forte, but Cornflower has the street sense that only comes from, well, being an unspervized child on the streets.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Teenage Hooligan pt. II
    An etiquette expert's worst nightmare, this branch-headed tomboy could care less about grammar, table manners, or anything else regarding high society.  
    Bitter Heart
    Disapproving parents were quickly abandoned in favor of an accepting and oh-so-cool-brother, who has now seemingly abandoned our young ranger. Cornflower has a sensitive spot for rejection and a heart that can hold a deep grudge.


    Family Ties

    Estranged from all family other than her brother.

    Religious Views

    Belives in what she sees.


    Gus the Shopkeep

    Friendly Acquaintance

    Towards Cornflower Oakwind


    Cornflower Oakwind

    Friendly Acquaintance

    Towards Gus the Shopkeep


    Lana Foxe

    Just Another Customer (Trivial)

    Towards Cornflower Oakwind



    Cornflower Oakwind

    The Prettiest Cat She's Everseen (Important)

    Towards Lana Foxe




    Young Cornflower has never shown interest in relationships before, but there's just something about the way that Lana carries herself that Cornflower can't shake. Horray for one-sided puppy crushes!

    Wealth & Financial state

    Feline equivalent of a broke college kid.

    Layabout punk, skilled ranger, can’t find her brother. Will hunt beasties and scare off thieves in exchange for beer money.

    View Character Profile
    Eq. 20yo
    Hazel Green
    Silver Tabby
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Quotes & Catchphrases


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