Sun Queen Rank/Title in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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Sun Queen

The Sun Queen is a rank reserved for grand unifier of the The Easifan Tribes. As Easifa worship and honorate the Sun, and view it as their goddess Solis, the title is of the highest veneration, and reserved only once every few generations for the most elite of elite queens.  

The First Sunqueen, and the Conquering the Serpant

The title finds etomolgy in the history of the Easifan people. Once, a great and evil being held dominion over the land and subjugated the sunfolk. They were helplessly driven to work and slave, or to die and feed the beast. One easifan found the power to unite her people, drawing all the tribes under her flag. As tradition and stories hold great significane to the people, the tale has been told time and time again, and even today ten's of thousand's of years later the name holds the same weight as it did in eons past.


A queen can only hope to achieve this rank after they have performed a great deed and amassed great power recognizable to the elders of each tribe. Past that, they must prove themselves and earn the blessings of each and every tribe to ascend to such a status.
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The great Incandescence
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