Hedge Magic in Fate of Empire | World Anvil

Hedge Magic

There are four Schools of magic. They are: Hedge Magic, Sorcery, Hermetic Arts and Cult Magic. Each School uses magic in different ways, and so the core philosophies, worldviews and outcomes are therefore different. To date, no one has ever adopted more than one School, as their metaphysics are inherently contradictory.

Hedge Magic is the simplest and least powerful of the four. While “sophisticated” mages dismiss it as the bumbling efforts of wise women and bumpkins, Hedge Magic is surprisingly quick by comparison. Unlike Sorcery or the Hermetic Arts, this form of craft is not written down but passed on by word of mouth, practical experience and personal skill.

The powers of Hedge Magic are largely utilitarian, drawing from the caster’s personal connection to living things; therefore, most practitioners tend to have large herb gardens. Not only does this provide the necessary connection, but also supplies the dried herbs used in many of the spells.

The Hedge Magic stunt acts as a sort of catch-all skill (beginning at Mediocre, or +0) which can be improved independently from and in lieu of other skills; as such, it is not subject to the “skill pyramid” rule. When casting the effects below, the difficulty is detailed in the effect description. There is no preparation time for Hedge Magic.

  • Flesh Knitting: A spell which can be used to Overcome a physical Consequence and begin the healing process (Fate Core, p. 164). The Difficulty equals the level of consequence.
  • Soothe the Spirit: As Flesh Knitting, but for mental consequences.
  • Summon the Fetch: This spell summons a kind of will o’ the wisp which will follow the mental commands of the mage, transmitting all it “sees” to the summoner’s mind. It is, in effect, a form of clairvoyance, but subject to the following strictures. It gives off a flickering light, and so is visible to its target; it moves quickly (about the speed of a galloping horse the summoner must specify how long it exists when the spell is cast. The difficulty equals the number of scenes the Fetch persists.
  • Evil Eye: The caster places a hex on her target, which she must be able to see. This is an attack, pitting the caster’s skill roll against the target’s Will roll as a standard conflict (Fate Core p. 160). It inflicts mental damage.
  • Curse: A version of the Evil Eye spell, but line of sight is not necessary. However, something which belongs to the target must be in the caster’s hand(s).
  • Witch’s Flight: Using a broom or similar archaic household item, the caster may travel at speeds five times that of a galloping horse, subject to the following restrictions: the spell only works in the dark of night, the caster must be able to see the ground, and (if the broom is not his own) the owner may recall it at will. This spell has a Superb (+5) difficulty.
  • Potion Brewing: Any known spell may be prepared as a potion, permitting others to use the spell as if they had successfully cast it themselves. To do so requires the following: the mage must successfully cast the spell (recording their roll, in the case of Evil Eye or Curse he must accept one stress box; he must dedicate one scene to the effort (i.e., the caster must remain “offstage” during the scene). If the root spell has strictures, these must be obeyed to create the potion (i.e., no potions of Witch’s Flight during daylight hours!)

Other Powers

Players may create their own magical effects (with the referee's consent), using the powers listed here as a guideline.


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