Gunners Organization in Fallout: New York | World Anvil


The Gunners are a violent mercenary outfit, for whom no job is too brutal to undertake. They are widely regarded as no better than common raiders, as they will attack anyone they believe is too weak to defend themselves. as long as it improves their bottom line, everyone's a potential target. As a result, while Gunners claim to be soldiers for hire, they have a well-earned reputation throughout the Washington D.C. Commonwealth, the Philadelphia Wastes and New York for being a highly militarized gang of thugs with combat training.

The Gunners are most known for their no prisoners mindset and have been known to wipe out entire settlements, like common raiders, but are better organized and equipped.

In New York the Gunners currently have not amassed great numbers so they are mostly used tactically by the city-states of Manhattan to protect their interests and do not raid indiscriminately  

Equipment and Training

The Gunners do not do dead weight. If someone wants to become a Gunner, they need to come already with a good amount of experience and to go through very harsh and unforgiving training that leaves many of the potential recruits maimed if not completely dead and eaten by the crows living on top of the 30 Rock building.

Once a recruit has finished their training they receive their first fatigues and a full set of combat armoud, a combat knife, an assault rifle and depending on their specialization a backpack containing almost everything they will need to fulfill their role. The combination of hard training and good quality and well maintained equipment makes the Gunners a forced to be reckoned with and wise people do not approach them of their military camps unless they have a very well layed plan of how that interaction will go.

As gunners achieve higher ranks within their very strict hierarchical structure, they receive more advanced equipment and some of their captains are known to carry plasma weapons able to disintegrate people on the spot with one shot.

Gunners do not tend to equip their soldiers with power armour unless the situation really requires very heavy guns. They tend to prefer small units of really agile soldiers,

Expedition, Military


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