30 Rock Settlement in Fallout: New York | World Anvil

30 Rock

30 Rock is the ruin of the 30 Rockafeller building in Manhattan Island. Currently the building is occupied by the Gunners and numbers around 50 - 100 inhabitants, a small but growing military base and training ground for them.   Due to its impecable and solid architecture, 30 Rock's 66 floors remain mostly intact and the building towers above all the ruins around it. It is unknown how many of these floors are currently inhabited but the top of the building is currently swarmed by a murder of several hundreds of crows that regularly sweep down from the building as a black cloud to descent upon the recently deceased and in some case the not-so-deceased.   During the last 200 years after the end of the Great War the building has been occupied by many organizations that did not manage to thrive in it, it is for that reason that many of the inhabitants of the New York waste consider the building cursed.   The building currently has two (2) entrances both, heavily reinforces by the Gunners and guarded at all times. Nobody hasn't entered the building outside the Gunners organization for years so, the state of the building remains uknown.
Military, Base


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