The Fall of two Kingdoms Prophecy Prose in Fallen Empire | World Anvil
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The Fall of two Kingdoms Prophecy

"When the sky turns red, the false leader shall mark a new fury and the downfall of three kingdoms"     Historical debate are fought over the meaning of this prophecy that was written in stone 1000 years , in the walls of the great keep.   Many Scholars believe it was carved in when the first king Makaros Iboria rose to power. Since two smaller kingdom where defeated and turned into the twelve fieftons.   Now with the current king dead, many think it the Queen since she has no direct line to the throne. Many of the lords believe it was a warning.   Other claim a so called bastard will rise up and take the throne. Many supports of the queen hold this view. Since the Queen by law hold the same title and lands as her husband and are considered one and the same and the title of succession do give the Queen legal claim to the throne.    


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