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Fallen Empire


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Set about 4000 years after the after the War of Dragons, where the Dragon Gods Bahamut and Tiamat clashed, which ended in both of their deaths. In the wake of two gods dead the dragons went into hiding. Magic went into flux and until the ingenuity of mortals came into being creating arcane mecanika devices as the weave of magic repaired it self and the Mortal Age came into being, now magic has come back in full power and the second Mortal Age has started. New things have been born, ancient rivals and and forgotten wars cast a shadow on this new age of prosperity. The Fates have rolled their dice and the stage is set.   Falling Kingdom take place in the frozen north of the Aenulend Continent of the Empire of Iboria A King has been killed. A red dragon has risen and raids the lands, a mysterious plague breaks out on a border nation, local lords are in rebellion and possibility of war breaking out from other nations. A young Queen must stand her own to and bring her nation out from despair and rise to a new glories. Can a new group of hero help change the fate of a Nation. What Adventures await our heros?         Cover Image Frozen Hometown by flaviobolla
