427 Hobbies in Fallen Empire | World Anvil
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427 Hobbies

Regardless of culture or social standing it not unusual for intelligent being to devote their "free" time to diversion that entertain, challenge or improve oneself in some way.   Instructions: Roll a d20 and Match the result against the table 427A below to select a hobby. Then go to table 427B below and reroll a D4 to determine the character skill at the hobby. Compare the characters current age and culture status against the list of modifiers that follow. Adding or subtracting ranks as necessary. Then go to table Table427C and roll a d10 to determine the character's degree of interest in the hobby.

427A Type of Hobby


d20427A type of Hobby
1"Collect Somethings. (weapons books, flowers, ect.)"
3Play a musical instrument
4read for enjoyment
5Write creatively
7Draw. paint or sculpt
10Study roll d8
6other cultures
11Sports and Athletics. Roll a d8
1Wrestling +1 to Strength score
2running +1 point to constitution score
3Fencing- Profecent with Rapeir
4horse racing- advantage on skill related to riding horses
5Team Ball Sport +1 to Dex score
6swiming. Swimming spead 10 more feet
7Archery + 1 to hit and damage with bows
8boxing +1 to hit and damage with unarmed strike
12Build detail models
13develop appreciation of the arts
14hairdressing and conmetics
15hunting for sport
17breeding dogs
18animals husbandry
19fishing for sports

427B-C Type of Hobby

1d4 , 1d10

427BHobby proficiency Roll a D4)427CDegree of Interest (roll a D10
Age or Culture statusSkill ModifierD10Degree of interest
Child- 2 Ranks1-2Casual: Easy to put aside when necessary. Spending money on this hobby is rare occurrence
Destitute-1 Rank3-7"Sporadic and Variable: interest run in spurts intense at time totally ignored at others. Characters will easily spend 1% of his totally income on this hobby"
Wealthy1 rank8-9Devoted: Given a choices this is how the character spends his free time. About 10-15% of total income is spent on this hobby.
Nobility2 ranks10"Consuming Passion: This activity is a focal point of the character's life (see Obsessive Behavior description entry 13, in Table 649B: Mental Afflictions). Character will spend 1D6+2x10% of his total income on this hobby an may have to be forcibly pried away from the pursuit of the hobby."
Extremely Wealthy2 ranks
Primitive- 2 ranks
Nomad-1 Rank
Civilized or Decadent1 Rank


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