318, 647 & 648 Alignment and Attitude in Fallen Empire | World Anvil
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318, 647 & 648 Alignment and Attitude

Your personality and alignment is often based on your traits.  Those who have a lot of light side traits tend to have a good alignment.  Those who have darkside traits tend to lean toward evil. However just because you have all dark traits  Does not mean your evil or good. Example a Holy Priest can be dull, slovenly and rude.  He may not be the most present person to be around but that does not mean there evil.  So why the traits can help figure out your character alignment they are not always set in stone.  Also traits that have (*) next to them are generally not found in character who are good or evil.  Example you typically wont find a good aligned person with the Cruel trait or Evil person Kindly trait.  

318: Alignment and Attitude

Now it time to add those those personality traits. Look though your childhood and adult events and count how many Lightside "L", Random "R" Neutral "N" and Darkside "D" events and roll on the each time you have them tables.
If you have any Random traits use table 318A
...and if for some reason you don't have any traits. use Table 318A and role 1D3 times.
1d3   1d100

D100318A persnality trait
01-50no personlaity trait Develops
51-65Neutral trait
66-80Lightside trait
81-95Darkside trait
96-100Exotic personality feature

318B Neutral Traits, 648 Darkside, and 647 Lightside


2D20318B Neutral Traits2D20648 Darksiders Traits2D20647 Lightside Traits
2Curious: inquitive needs to know2Pessimist- Always see the bad side of thing2optimist: Always see the good side of things
3Hedonist: Pleasure is the Most Important thing3Egist: Selfish Concern for own Welfare3Altruist: selfless concern for other welfare
4Percise: Always exacting4Obstructive: act to block other actions4Helpful: helps other in need
5Studious: Studies often pays attention to detail5Cruel: Acts to Block other's and hurtful5careful: cautious in thought and deed
6Mysterious: has air of mystery about him6Careless: Incautions in throught and deeds6Considerate: thinks of other feelings
7Loquacious: Has an air of mystery about him7thoughtless: rarely thinks of others Feelings7Sober: serious plain thinking strightforward
8Silent: rarely talks8Flippant: Unable to be serious about anything.8teetotaler: abstains from drinking alchol
9Floppish: Vain preoccupied with appearance9Drunkard: constantly overingdulges in alcohol9trusting: trust other to behave correctly
10Immaculate: clean and orderly10Suspicious: trust no one10Peaceful: serene of spirit
11Rough: unpolished unrefined11Violent: Seeks physical conflict11peacemaker: attempts to clam others
12Skeptic: Disbelieving of things unproven12Argumentative: Starts arguments and fights12Pious: Reverently devoted to worship of god
13immature: acts younger than age13irreverent: Mock the gods13honest: always give what is due
14Even Tempered rarely angry or over joyous14Cheat: Shortchange other of their due14Loving: affctionately concerned for others
15rash: acts before things15Hateful: Strongly dislike other.15giving: gives of self and possessions
16Extroverted: outgoing16Selfish: unwilling to share time and possessions16organzed: everything has a place
17Introverted: Focus ones interests in oneself17Slovenly: Unwilling to share time and possessions17Clean: Practices good hygiene
18Materiallistic:PutsEmphasis on Possession18Filthy: Knows nothing of hygiene18Punctual: always on time
19Aesthetic: possessions are unnecessary19Tardy: Always Late19Self-Confident: sure of self and abilities
20Amoral: no care for right aor wrong20Self-Doubting: unsure of self and abilities20courageous: brace in the face adversity
21Dreamy: a distant daydreamer21Cowardly: afraid to face adversity21respectful:shows respect for others
21Creative: able to make something out of nothing21Disrespectful: Does not showing respect21Calm:difficult to anger a peaceful spirit
23leader: takes initiative can take command23Angry: Spirit always unsettlem never at peace.23patient: able to wait with calmness
24Follower: prefers to let other lead24impatient: unable to wait with calmness24"wise: understand what is true right or lasting"
25Emotional: rarely keeps emotion in check25Foolish: unable to discern what is true or wise25Organized: everything has a place
26emotionless : rairly shows emotions26Greedy: hoards all for self26Generous: willing to give more than fairly
27Humourous: appreciates humor and likes to joke27Dull: a slow uncreatve mind27imaginative: a clever resourceful mind
28grim: unsmiling humorless stren of purpose28Vengeful: revenge is the way to punish faults28Forgiving: able to pardon faults in others
29conservative: restrained opposed to change29Immoral: Iecherous lawless devoid of morals29Virtuous: Chaste pure of excellent morals
30Liberal: tolerant of other open to change30Untrustworthy: not worth trusting30Dependable: does duties reliably responsibly
31Aggressive: assertive bold enterprising31Rude: Polite courteous31Well-Mannered: polite courteous
32passive: accepts things with out resisting them32Harsh: ungentel sharp tongued32benign: gentle inoffensive
33Selfsufficient: does not need others33Unfriendly: cold and distant33Friendly: warm and comforting
34Dependent: needs others around him34Egotistic: Proud and conceited34Humble: Lack of pretense not proud
35Romantic: Given to feeling of romance35Lazy: Difficult to get motivated35Energetic: does things quickly with verve
36Logical: Uses deductive reasoning36Lair: hardly ever tells the truth36truthful:Always tells the truth
37illogical: May not use reason to make decisions37Morosa: always gloomy and moody37Cheerful: Always happy and smiling
38Frivolous: Flighty harebrained rarely serious38Unenthusiastic: can't get exited38Energetic: does things quickly with verve
39Aloof Distant from others even cold39Spendthrift: Spend money without thought39thrifty: careful with money
40Atheistic: denies existance of the supernatural40Tactless: speaks before thinking40Diplomatics: careful to say the right thing


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