Waterdeep City Watch Military Formation in Faerûn Expanded | World Anvil
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Waterdeep City Watch

A city as large as Waterdeep is almost garneted to have a crime problem. The solution to this is the City watch. Founded under Open Lord Denderan Hidehelm in the 1100s DR the City Watch police the city of Waterdeep and at least try to root out crime.

The watch is organized under the Commander of the Watch who sub delegates to three watch lords: the Mage Civilar in charge of the wizard corps; the Senior Armsmaster, who was in charge of supplies and reported directly to the Commander of the Watch; and the Grand Civilar, who commanded the ward civilars and held the same rank as the Mage Civilar. The Commander of the Watch reported directly to the Open Lord.

Each ward of Waterdeep was patrolled by a division of the Watch under the command of a ward civilar, or major, who oversaw all the senior civilars commanding the watch stations of their respective wards. Each guard post was commanded by a senior civilar or captain, sometimes referred to as a rorden, who commanded a number of patrols. Senior civilars also performed duties as orsars, acting as envoys and prisoner escorts; and as guardswords, in charge of patrolling the docks and gates.

Each patrol was headed by a civilar, or lieutenant, also known as a swordcaptain or amlar. Typical patrol groups included one armar, or sergeant, also known as a "sword", and two or more constables, also known as "blades", patrolmen, or watchmen/watchwomen.

The City Watch primary acts as a civilian peace keeping force. Stopping thieves, directing traffic, settling disputes, and arresting common criminals. Any activity of The Xanathar Guild is to be reported to the City Guard who are much better equipped to deal with them.

A number of magical items are used by the watch. All watch captains carry an Amulet of the Watch which can be used to alert other captains and call reinforcements. They also wear a Badge of the Watch a symbol of office that also acts as a magical tracking device, allowing the Open Lord or the Commander of the Watch to instantly know a wearers location and if they are authorized.
Notable Members
>Commander of the Watch Venathar Helvaci a human battlemaster who runs her guard with a firm but fair authority.
>Mage Civilar Harkonen Neethar a somewhat bookish young man with a powerful understanding of the arcane.
>Senior Armsmaster Bjoric Stormstout a hill dwarf who is a master of his forge and makes great weapons.
>Grand Civilar Thefir a moon elf who has a great eye for management.
>The rumor that Ward Civilar Dentana is a werewolf is pure fiction as the City Watch would never hire a beast, no matter how many perps she has arrested.
>If you hesitate to ask its illegal.
>Singing on the job is a bad idea, whistling is allowed though.
"Good old city watch great for stopping petty thievery and breaking of bread weight laws. But I would like to see them go up against a dragon, oh wait I have seen that HEHEHehehe hehe he"


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