Cult of the Dragon Organization in Faerun - Forgotten Realms Setting | World Anvil

Cult of the Dragon

The Cult of the Dragon is an order of strange necromancers who believe in an apocalyptic prophecy that the world will one day be ruled over by dragons. Rather than wait to be burned to ash or eaten by the coming apocalypse, the cult seeks to make allies among dragonkind by serving them now and hoping that their loyal service is one day repaid. Unlike the sniveling kobolds, however, the cult offers a particularly valuable service to the greedy dragons: immortality in the form of undeath. The cult alone holds the secrets to the creation of dracoliches, and they offer this prize to dragons in exchange for the dracolich’s fealty to the cult. Though this pact is magically enforced, in truth, most dragons are clever enough to find loopholes in the magical bargain and manage to kill their benefactors and gain their freedom. These many, many small hiccups aside, the cult continues to grow and has spread through much of Sembia and gained a small foothold in Marsember and Hilp.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Keepers of the Secret Hoard
Dragon Cultist

Neutral/ They are not aware of each others presence

Slight Hostility

Both see each other as a dangerous threat

Kill on Sight

There has been no diplomacy shown between either party. The Bucket Brigade did allow one of the Cult of Dragon members to live after torturing him for information.

Declared War

Cult is considered a relatively new known threat to the Crown

Members of this cult believe the Crown of Cormyr will be overthrown eventually by the rule of the dragons.