Crown of Cormyr Organization in Faerun - Forgotten Realms Setting | World Anvil

Crown of Cormyr

Many factions vie for influence and control within Cormyr, both in their direct interactions with the noble houses as well as indirectly through the gathering of wealth, land, and support from the people.   The Royal Family   Since the founding of Suzail by House Obarskyr, Cormyr has been a hereditary monarchy, and the stability of the realm has always been linked to the stability of the Obarskyr family. Times of unclear succession have often resulted in tumult and trials for the nation, which has otherwise enjoyed great prosperity. The people of Cormyr love and respect the royal family, and except for the rare grasping noble family that would love to see the monarchy’s power distributed to the nobility, most are satisfied under their rule.


Cormyr was founded as a monarchy in about 26 DR[5][21] Around 1370 DR, there was some sentiment that the nation should be run by a council.[22] The ruling monarch had an advisor, who had the title (amongst others) of High Wizard, and who was in charge of the War Wizards.[23]   The nobility of Cormyr were composed of the most wealthy and influential households. There was an annual ceremony at the beginning of the summer where each noble house came to Suzail to meet and see the monarch and discuss their achievements over the previous year, before retiring to their summer residences.[25] Nobles swore allegiance to the crown on the sword Symylazarr.[26] Nobles owed the king of Cormyr a certain number of troops, in lieu of their military service, under Cormyrian law.[27]


Peacebonding   Those who would wear weapons in Cormyr, including chartered adventurers and mercenaries, are required by law to wear peacestrings about their sword hilts, preventing them from being unsheathed. Peacestrings are brightly colored and tasseled cords, and the proper tying of peacestrings is considered to be something of an art among Cormyrean nobles and adventurers alike. A proper knot is one that appears extremely complex, but can be undone with a single tug to free the weapon. The Purple Dragons regularly keep an eye out for those bearing weapons that are not peace-bonded, and stop such individuals to inform them of the local “custom”. Those who refuse or who persistently violate the custom are subject to imprisonment and having their weapons seized.


Cormyr was founded in the Year of Opening Doors, 26 DR. Its first king was Faerlthann Obarskyr, son of Ondeth Obarskyr and Suzara Obarskyr.[5] The kingdom was initially formed because the elves and humans in the region needed to get along with each other. Since that time, Cormyr grew by absorbing the realms of Esparin and Orva and claiming the Stonelands as its own.[6]   Some time between 376 DR and 432 DR, Cormyr was invaded by many dragons, including Thauglor, the Purple Dragon, so-called because his scales went purple with age, who laid waste to virtually all of the settlements in the country. It was then raided by orcs from the Stonelands, who occupied the King's Forest until they were finally driven out in the Year of the Cat's Eye, 429 DR, by King Duar Obarskyr. By the Year of the Sea Princes, 432 DR, many noble families had left Cormyr for either the Dalelands or Waterdeep, or split into small factional bands. The city of Suzail was sold to Magrath the Minotaur and his pirates by a traitor to the crown around this time,[7] and it was after Magrath's death that the Purple Dragon was adopted as the nation's official symbol.[8]   In the Year of the Dragon, 1352 DR, Gondegal, also known as "The Usurper King" and "The Lost King", attempted to establish a separate kingdom centred on the city of Arabel. He was overthrown, after only eight days in power, by an allied army composed of forces from Tilverton, Sembia, and Daggerdale, along with the Purple Dragons, led by King Azoun IV.[9]   The Goblin War begun by the elf-dragon Nalavara did significant damage to the kingdom, resulting in the deaths of King Azoun IV and his heir, Tanalasta Obarskyr in 1371 DR.[10][11][12] This began the Steel Regency of Alusair Obarskyr, until Tanalasta's newborn son Azoun V could take the throne.[10][13][14]   The Spellplague did not spare Cormyr, but it survived relatively unharmed, save for the loss of a third of its War Wizards.[13] The Wailing Years were not so kind to all its neighbours, and many would join the budding empire as Cormyr reluctantly grew to counter the Netherese vassal-state of Sembia.[15] Tensions between Cormyr and its neighbors Netheril and Sembia were constant, further fueled by the assassinations of Cormyrean royalty.[16]   Between 1484 DR and 1486 DR Cormyr fought a war on two fronts as it mustered troops to defend the Dalelands against Sembia's invasion and its own borders were invaded by Netheril.[17][18] King Irvel Obarskyr was killed during the Siege of Suzail and was succeeded by his daughter Queen Raedra Obarskyr.[19] By the end of the war Cormyr had successfully reclaimed its land from the Sembian and Netherese forces and turned its focus to recovery.[18]


While much of Cormyr has been cleared and settled, the realm still hides many secrets. In ages past it was variously the site of the Batrachi empire, an innumerable host of dragons and wyverns, an elven kingdom, Netherese refugees, bandit lords, and more monsters than one could ever hope to count. Each of these has left its mark on the landscape of Cormyr, and many of Faerûn’s most infamous dungeons, from the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and Nightmare Keep to the so-called Keep on the Shadowfell lie within Cormyr’s borders. As a result, the nation is home to many adventurers who risk life and limb to plunder the wealth left behind.


Cormyr's Military consists of: Purple Dragon Army, War Wizards   Adventuring Companies   Adventuring companies are strictly regulated in Cormyr, due in part to the risk inherent in having well armed and magically capable strangers roaming the countryside. Adventurers may not gather, while armed, in groups of more than five in any place save public markets, inns, and taverns. Those who violate this law are immediately disarmed, stripped of any goods, and face either imprisonment or exile. The exception to this rule is for those adventuring companies with a royal charter. A charter may be obtained from the Lord Commander at High Horn, the Warden of the Eastern Marches in Arabel, or the Royal Court in Suzail. A basic charter costs 25 gp per year, while a gold-leaf foil charter personally signed by the queen costs 1,000 gp, with an annual tax of 300 gp. Chartered companies cannot number more than thirty persons, and members of the company must wear their badge at all times when armed in Cormyr. Violations of local laws can result in the company charter being revoked. Adventuring in Cormyr is a privilege, and not one to be taken lightly. For those willing to abide by the laws, however, there are great rewards to be had.   Mercenary Companies   Larger than chartered adventuring companies, mercenary companies have all the same rights as adventuring companies but may maintain a roll of up to thirty standing members plus one temporary members. The price for such a charter is quite expensive: 2,000 gp for the charter with an additional 300 gp for the annual renewal, plus 25 gp per temporary member.
Founding Date
26 DR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Forest Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Cormyrian, Cormyrean, or Cormyte
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


The Bucket Brigade's wizard, Caddell Griffith, is a member of the War Wizards.

Cult is considered a relatively new known threat to the Crown

Members of this cult believe the Crown of Cormyr will be overthrown eventually by the rule of the dragons.