Elf Species in Faeleven | World Anvil
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Brief Overview

Elves have the highest population of any humanoid creature in Faeleven. Due to this, they are a diverse group of creatures with various different cultures and levels of technological advancement.

Basic Information


Elves look very similar in appearance to humans. They have four limbs, two arms and two legs. They breathe with lungs in their chest cavity. Their hearts, however, are longer than humans and have six chambers. The size of their eyes and ears depends on which clan they are from. Elves have a similar digestive tract as humans do. Their reproductive organs are also similar, however all elves have a womb to carry a child. The male sex also have ridged penises.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce through sex, as humans do, but also with use of their magick. The use of their magick spurs embryonic growth. The more magick used, the easier it will be for the child to learn how to control their own magick. Magick also allows elves to have children with creatures of the same sex or with no sex.   The gestation period for elves is a full lunar year.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gestation takes a full lunar year and growth rates of elves follow the same pattern. Infantry is another lunar year, while toddler through childhood is roughly seven lunar years. This period is when elves begin to harness their magick. Adolescence follows, lasting for another seven lunar years. Adulthood lasts for around nine hundred years and their seniority lasts for a hundred. Once reaching adulthood, elves are able to mate and have children. Adult elves are also acquire more negative side effects from using chaos magick, and it is around this time that the elves that overuse chaos magick transform into goblins.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are able to survive in almost any climate. The only places they are unable to is underwater or near volcanoes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivorous, though some choose to be herbivores. They require protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Elves cannot have too much sugar, including fruit sugar, as it could kill them. The methods of gathering and hunting food depends on the elven culture, though typically a blessing is spoken over the plants or their prey. Some meats are turned into jerky.

Biological Cycle

If elves use too much chaos magick rather than peace magick, there is the danger of them transforming into goblins.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elven clans are based off of age and is reflected in their hierarchies. The eldest member of the clan is generally the chief, however they can pass that title down to one of their children. Even if they pass down the title, the eldest is still considered the most powerful member in the clan. The elder elves are more revered than the children, but each member of the clan is respected.

Facial characteristics

Most elves have long, straight noses and are very fair skinned. Their ears are pointed and they have high cheekbones. Elves tend to have oval or heart-shaped faces and almond eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves live spread out in Faeleven. They are able to survive nearly every element. They are more densely located in the Stygian Caverns, Crystalline Plain, and the Jade Forest, but can also be found anywhere along the coast or Cobalt Loch. Some elves are even found in the Faerie City.

Average Intelligence

Generally, elves are slightly more intelligent than humans but are lesser than faeries.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Each elf is born with moderate magickal prowess. Their hearing is also amplified due to the shape of their ears. All elves, with the exception of Thyxayan elves, have superior eyesight that allows them to see into the ultraviolet wavelengths.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The surnames of elves are all the names of flowers. The surname of the elves closest to the gods is passed down to their offspring.

Major Organizations

The three main clans of elves are the Thyxayans, Mizupollians, and Mumarians.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main language of the elves is Elvish, which has three dialects: Thyxayan, Mumarian, and Mizupollian. Elves are also known to speak Merridian and Fae.

Common Dress Code

Elves tend to dress loosely to maximize movement and flow of magick. Their armor is typically made of wood or metal.


The first elf, Auron Rose, was created by the goddess Thyxias. Other gods created other elves, each varying slightly to suit the preference of the god, though they were all designed to be able to mate with most other humanoid creatures in Faeleven.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves are able to mate and have children with merpeople, faeries, humans, angels, daemons, and even gods. Elves revere the gods above all other life forms. Some consider daemons and merpeople to be inferior to them.   Most elves consider goblins to be vastly inferior as well as disgusting and grotesque. This is due to goblins being the equivalent of fallen elves. Elves are also ashamed of their connection to goblins.   A majority of elves fear dragons and sea serpents, though encounters with both species is very uncommon.
Genetic Descendants
1150 years
Average Height
Average Physique
Most elves have lithe builds with slender fingers and limbs. This is due to the shared lifestyle of hunting and gathering as well as remaining fairly active.

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