Side Note 8 Prose in Exodus | World Anvil

Side Note 8

Written by holyflpncows

  After a while, I hear someone approaching. I look up from my book and am surprised to see it’s Shen Po. I tuck away my research and he sits down next to me with a sigh of defeat.   “One hell of a night…” he doesn’t make eye contact and sits quietly for some time. “Vae,” he speaks up, “do you mind if I ask you something?”   I give a wary look. “Go for it.”   “I have been pondering over this since we met and I just have to ask,” he pauses for a moment. “Does everyone from your corner of the world have a single three-letter name, or is that just you?”   I cock my head and give a little laugh. “No, I don’t think I’ve met many people at all with just a single word for a name. Last names are very important where I come from.”   “So you do have more than one? Good to know.” Shen Po gives a small smile. “I thought maybe it was just a strange cultural thing.”   “Ah, yes.” I hesitate. It's been a long time since I’d said my own name. “Vaelynn Kassor. Vae is just easier. Simpler. It doesn’t imply my family name in any matters I participate in.” My face turns down to the ground. I still couldn’t be completely honest.   “Well then, Vaelynn Kassor, I can’t imagine anyone out here in this wasteland could possibly know your family, let alone report your actions to anyone of merit or authority,” he gives a short nod. “But you’re right…Vae is easier to pronounce.” I wince a bit at him saying my full name.   I keep my face down toward the ground. “Right.” After a pause, I speak up, “So any luck with the crazy dwarf? I take it she wasn’t very helpful.”   Shen Po lets out another defeated sigh. “Gods, help me. That woman is aggravating beyond words. I thought Wen and Arslan would be the death of me, but Vavuasu…she will haunt me in the afterlife.”   I chuckle. “Well Shen Po, I hope you can get the answers you seek so you can shove it all back in her face in the afterlife.”   He gives a small smile. “That would be grand, except she would see it coming.” His smile wanes. “She knows much, but nothing more than I already surmised. Many here have the dreams. It’s said to be a curse from the land. Which does not bode well for me, as my dreams began in the empire.” He then got quiet. “She believes I may already be lost to the madness.”   My head tilts. “Well, you don’t seem mad to me. Maybe sometimes she is just insane.”   “What is madness but courage and daring that has lost its way.” He sighs again. “Perhaps I am mad, but maybe madness is not always a bad thing.” He remains quiet for a few minutes. “Vaelynn, what we are doing out here, what we have already done…. it is madness, but perhaps it is necessary.”   I ponder that for a moment. “I suppose we’re all out here for own desperate last attempts at something. I can’t imagine any of us are out here for fun.” I panic, fearing he would try to dig deeper. “Ah, except maybe also the excitement of the danger out here. Daring deeds make the best stories after all!” I look down at the ground.   “If stories of fantastic deeds are all you wanted, you wouldn’t be here. You could get those anywhere or make them up yourself. You seem too intelligent to not realize that.” I can feel his gaze on me. “I just hope that the real reason you are out here is worth dealing with demons and monsters.”   I wrap my arms around my stomach, holding tight. My eyes stay locked on the ground and I remain silent.   “It’s ok Vae, I don’t need to know, but the fact remains that our next stop on the journey is a diplomatic discussion with nightmares. I hope you’re up for the task.” Shen Po stands and turns to walk away. “Just know… that you will not be alone.” He walks in the direction of the inn.   I stay silent while Shen Po walks back to the inn, what he said lingering in my mind. Was I up for the task of diplomatizing with monsters and who knows what else? My arm itched where my badge rests. You could be strong again. I finally release my arms and walk back to the inn.

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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