Serpent's Head Geographic Location in Exandria | World Anvil
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Serpent's Head

Thordak only flew to the Cliffkeep Mountains once during his occupation of Emon. No one living knows why the nearly invincible Cinder King left his prized city to attack a single isolated mountaintop village, but the ruins of Serpent's Head prove he did.   Serpent's Head is a squat mountain in the southern reaches of the Cliffkeep Mountains. Its people were mostly dwarves and humans, miners and farmers. They had no militia to speak of, and most had already evacuated to Kraghammer when news of Emon's fall reached them—but not everyone.   The village that surrounds Serpent's Head Mountain is an ashen ruin. The immolated corpses of its people still lie buried beneath a thick layer of ash, and the mountain itself was transformed into a small volcano by Thordak's magic. Earth tremors have cracked the foundation of the keep that lay at the center of the village, revealing deep magma caverns filled with precious diamonds infused with chaotic magic. Occasionally, small rifts to the Elemental Plane of Fire flash open within the depths, and sporadic groups of azer and salamanders have found their way through. The two factions have made camp in the lower caverns, and both struggle for a foothold in the Material Plane.
Mountain / Hill
Location under

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