Palace of Wonder Building / Landmark in Exandria | World Anvil
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Palace of Wonder

In the desolate and uninhabited northwestern reaches of the Cliffkeep Mountains stands a ruined citadel. All that remain of it are crumbling walls, half-beaten to dust by the unrelenting winds of the mountains, and one forlorn tower, its turret torn asunder to reveal the mildewed, rain-fattened wooden beams within. This ruin, a relic of the early days of Issylran settlement and a panoply of forgotten wars, is all but forgotten by the people of Tal'Dorei. Few explorers travel these wind-scarred peaks or the storm-beaten northwestern coast of Tal'Dorei. The citadel itself is wracked by the elements, while the shoreline and the mountains beyond it are prowled by territorial elements that brook no intrusions.
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