An-Teng Geographic Location in Exalted: in the Age of Sorrows | World Anvil


An-Teng is a rich and fertile land, spreading from the sea to the west down across wide fields of rice to the mountains in the east. The great River of Queens and her three lesser sisters cuts through the land, providing the biggest trade routes, while countless canals spread out from the rivers, bringing water to the fields.

Ecosystem Cycles

One of the largest differences between the principalities of An-Teng are the climate, even the number of seasons vary between them.

In the Shore Lands the seasons are referred to as the Ascending Dry (the three months of Air when near constant onshore winds bring cool temperatures and heavy clouds that will become storms when they reach the Middle Lands), the Wet (heavy rain and occasional monsoon storms during the first three months then steady soaking rain during the months of Earth), the Descending Dry or season of Wood when the signature products of the shore lands ripen in the hot, dry but well watered earth and the Time of the Pale Mistress, the 89 days when offshore winds pull heat and humidity from inland which makes the oppressively hot weather almost unbearable with the nights as bad as the days. Anyone who can leaves, anyone who can't does as little as possible and violence spikes. Unsurprisingly the number 89 is considered unlucky, while it is very auspicious for the year ahead if the cold winds start blowing during Calibration.

The Middle Lands have the Dry, the Wet and the Monsoon (when the whole water from the sky thing gets completely out of hand). The Monsoon starts the year, with intense cool storms for three months and then both the force of the rain and the temperature increase until Descending Water when the rain at least starts to taper off. The months of Earth are the Dry, a time of pleasant drowsing warmth and hard work to repair the fields and houses damaged by the monsoons. The Wet starts in Ascending Wood, the primary growing season marked by frequent but relatively gentle rains followed by the harvest in Ascending Fire, the Fire months are the hottest time of the year with rising and falling cycles of humidity as the heat drives water into the air and the rains pull it out again. It's considered an unlucky omen for the year ahead when the first storms arrive in Calibration before the new year proper begins.

The people of the High Lands tend to view with amusement the obsession with the weather of their countrymen, as theirs is a region of mild seasonal changes. The Wet starts the year and lasts for 6 months, with snow for the first 3 months and rain for the months of Water. Flash floods are a danger especially towards the end of this period as the rock of the mountains absorbs no water and the rain can melt snow already on the ground. Then scholars spend the next three months arguing whether they are part of the Wet or the Dry, while everyone else gets on with enjoying the perfect weather with warm days, cool nights and picturesque light rain. The six months of Wood and Fire are unquestionably the Dry as the temperatures slowly increase and the rain bearing winds no longer reach from the coast, with Resplendent Fire unpleasantly hot as a reminder to enjoy the rest of the year more. The temperatures and rainfall during Calibration are completely unpredictable, changing from hour to hour between the coldest of the year to matching the hottest, with one or more monsoons in the unluckiest times.

Natural Resources

An-Teng produces endless ship loads of silver, rice and silk for the Realm, some as tribute and some in trade. Legion units in the south and especially the west rely on Tengese rice, as does the Water Fleet.

  • The mostly infertile Shore Lands contribute ports, ships and crews to An-Teng's international trade, but orchards dot the region, growing persimmons, golden plums, blood oranges and ananate berries (the wine of which fetches a high price in the Realm). Opium poppy plantations compete with the orchards.
  • So far from the pole of Wood many plants do not grow, but any that can not only live but thrive in the Middle Lands. Rice fields and hardwood and banyan forests define the region, with cotton, vegetables and silk also available in plenty.
  • The High Lands specialise in luxuries and mining. Silk (of finer quality than that from the Middle Lands), hashish (hemp is the main fibre), betel-nut, spices, dried fruit, tea and sugar are all produced while the mines produce silver in abundance, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, topazes, iron, cinnabar, gold and jade (mostly red but also black, blue and green).


The three Principalities of An-Teng have always been ruled by mortals but controlled by Exalted from the outside world. It produces too much food and silver and is too tempting a leisure destination to be ignored but the people are too placid and unwarlike to require close supervision. Theoretically.

In the depths of the past many Solars spent time in this tropical paradise and used it as a safe haven to plan their oppression of the rest of Creation. Since the Tengese accepted this, when the Dragon-Blooded broke the power of the Anathema they also drowned An-Teng in blood and fire as punishment. An obedient province of the Shogunate and one of the first nations to swear loyalty to the Scarlet Empress and offer tribute the people of An-Teng try to rebuild and stay out of history's way and have raised no armies since those that unwisely defended their demonic overlords. Yet no invasion of An-Teng since that time has succeeded either, with enemy generals and soldiers alike dying to the fell beasts, angry ghosts and small gods, guerillas, ninja and inhumanly skilled champions that appear to arrise spontaneously from the very ground when required.

Originally ruled by a single royal family with three Princes and one High Queen that were butchered by the Dragon-Blooded the three minor families raised to Princely status have by now intermarried to the point they can again be considered one royal line, but the three Princes answer to the Scarlet Empress instead of a local queen. Or they did, now that the Empress has vanished who can say what the future holds?


The rich from many parts of the West and South travel to An-Teng, as do many Dynasts from the Realm, it has always been a popular place to safely start a tour of the Threshold for young Dragon-Blooded members of the Great Houses. As the political situation in the Realm deterioriates that remains true, but more of the Dynasts are actively looking for signs of rebellion and almost seem to long to find some to supress with fire and sword.


  • High Lands
  • Middle Lands
  • Shore Lands
  • The Domain of the Serpents Who Walk As Men
  • The Theoracy of the Jade Souled
  • The Domain of the Silver Crowned



  • An-Teng

    The Principalities of An-Teng, a Satrapy of the Realm in the South-West

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