The Void Sea Myth in Evras | World Anvil

The Void Sea

The Void Sea is a vast and terrible ocean. Darker and deeper than the deepest trenches beyond the sunken plances. It spreads high above the world, each spark of light, a beacon for those lost among the tumultuous waves and flotsam. On the darkest of nights the waves crash in the heavens above and only the light from the brothers guide us home.   ~except from the Ilyiastrum Book of Creation


The Void Sea is the name for the heavens. Loraisians while no longer a sea-faring people spent many years on the ocean. The void sea mimics their understanding the large impassable ocean on the edge of the crumbling Iands to the west. Large, unforgiving and spreading on forever, the Void Sea carries all celestial bodies through their path. Ilyia, Goddess of All, the sun, and giver of life, is their beacon, the other wanders are ships like them, following Ilyia as she carves the way through the Void, never wavering.
The waves that crash above the planet are echoes and trails of the galaxy arms, several small foamy clouds of stars that splits the sky like the foaming waves against a sandy beach. Far off in the distance on certain nights it's possible to watch the Void whales dance among the stars. Other creatures play in the void, large unknowable creatures that have wreaked havoc for many a Wanderer. But, Ilyia keeps them safe, her beacon bright against the ever encroaching darkness.

Historical Basis

During the time before The Great Cleaving, the peoples who would one day settle Lorais crossed from their homes in the west, travelling across the oceans as the lands had become too unstable to stay upon. Continents fell, lands were flooded, even the ocean floor dropped. Many died during that time, but they follow the progress of the Ilyia and her brothers across the sky, following them to place where they begin their journey hoping to find the home of their gods in East.   Those who survived landed on the beaches of the eastern continent , its shores destroyed and the devastation present even here. Tired and and unwilling to sail more they crossed over land, climbing high a mountain range bordered by a large lake. High among the mountains float large islands where the Loraisians made their first homes.   Others broke away from the original group and chose to keep travelling until they found Ilyia's home. They eventually settled in a deep thick forest, full of life, good food, and protection from the creatures that roamed the lands. Both groups carried with them the stories of crossing the ocean.


Lorais has become one of the largest cities and their influence has spread over the last millennia since they arrived. Many of the races that owe allegiance in some way to the Loraisian Patrician.

In Art

The Void Sea features heavily in many art pieces, from tapestries to murals, even moasics. Some feature void creatures dancing among the waves, others feature Ilyia holding her beacon a loft.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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