Paige... I am Your Father... Of One Liners Document in Evos | World Anvil

Paige... I am Your Father... Of One Liners

Summer 2021, Week 3

Tuesday evening

Henry, The Wards

Storyteller #1

There she was, just a walkin down the street... in the worst part of town. No fucks given. Like the truly crazy, ignorant child that she pretends she isn't. But hey, it sets up our story, doesn't it? Smh. Someone parent this damn child already. Loud music is bleeding out of her headphones as she walks underneath the flickering of a streetlight. 'I'm nooooot oooookayyyyy. I'm not okaaaaaayyyyyyy. I'm okaaayyy now. I'm okaaayyy now.' She's humming along because there was no one around to hear it so fuck itttt. She was even doing a little head bob, the closest to dancing you'll see out of Paige. But then she sees a shadowy figure up ahead....  

Paige Nelson

'Just walk around him. Play it cool. It's fine.' As she walks closer, the figure gets bigger.... and then bigger... and then all of a sudden, she's 6 feet away from a mountain of a man. There was no walking around him, he took up the entire sidewalk. Taking one airpod out of her ear, "Hey, Gregor Clegane, could you let a dude pass? Thanks."  

Blood Bolt

Greg, who was previously occupied listening to Lucius go on about how the newer generation cars are totally too reliant on fragile electrical components and how 'the 60's did them right' was snapped out of his usual forward-looking focus down towards the originator of the comment. The giant's face twitched in irritation. But, of course, before the massive man could say anything, or move really, Bolt had caught up from his walking behind him and swerved to the side, putting on a little spin with his hands in his pocket and head tilted as he slide into place by Greg. Without missing a beat, "When did the Satanic ritual start letting out so early? I thought they usually went into the night. Goat sacrifices and chanting."   Shuffling his feet to block the girl's path, Bolt eyed her up and down with nothing in his eyes but amusement. "Oh shit! Greg, did they open up a Hot Topic nearby? I could really go for a choker. I think I'd look good with a choker, one with little lightning bolts on it. So sexy. Girls would love it. Guys too. Greg, I'd look good in a choker, right?" Bolt looked over at the man, but Greg was still staring down at the smaller girl, only giving a grunt in reply. Seeing Greg was as silent as usual, Bolt just went on. "I hope we didn't miss the grand opening. They always have sales and shit. Man's gotta save money. You know, I hear punk is back on the rise again. Outcry is playing soon. We should have gotten tickets. Why didn't you get tickets Greg? I fucking told you to get tickets."   Stepping forward from his position besides his partner-in-crime, bringing himself slightly closer to the girl, a small smile settled on Bolt's face. "Well, maybe this mouthy little 'Mommy didn't love me' brat has some tickets. You do, don't ya kid? It's like mandatory for you to attend loud ass concerts and pretend to be 'woke' and shit."  

Paige Nelson

"'Mommy didn't love me'." She rolled her eyes exaggeratingly. "Real original. Takes one to know one, right dude? Makes sense why you'd want a choker. Desperately seeking someone to put a chain on it and tell you what to do so you can escape the daily grind? I hear being an adult really sucks. What is it, your mommy didn't swaddle you tight enough and now the idea of a choker has your pants wet because maybe you'll finally feel that closeness? Dude, all I want is to walk past you. So, I ask again. Gregor Clegane, can you pick up your wannabe Viper over here and step aside? It helps if you go for the eyes, from what I hear. Real crowd favorite."  

Blood Bolt

Greg was busy thinking about the two Outcry tickets he had bought as soon as they were available that were currently sitting on his kitchen table when his eyes went wide and he stared at the girl. Shock may be an understatement for what Greg was experiencing, but it was the closest word to describe it. Looking over to Lucius, a tad bit of fear was tossed in. "Girl." Greg's deep voice bellowed out into the silence. "You should turn around and--"   Bolt pulled a hand slowly out of his pocket and raised it to stall Greg, who stopped talking immediately. With exaggerated movements, he tilted the hand down and pointed it in the direction of Paige, eyes narrowed and a light hue of red sparking up in them, before the fingers spread in a 'omg come look at this' gesture as his face broke into a smile. "Holy brass balls of Zeus, did you just hear this little shit, Greg? Fuck, the huevos on you, kid. You--" A chuckle escaped, and he tried to stifle it. "You are--" The attempt failed as he fell into a deep laughing fit that lasted a few seconds.   Greg wasn't entirely sure what was about to happen, and he was about to take a shot and just throw the girl far away but was stopped when Bolt finally stopped laughing and said, "You are something else, even for a bride of Satan. I gotta say a choker does get me a little moist, but nothing makes me gush like thinking how long it'd take for me to break that fucking attitude of yours and have you crying for that Daddy who left to get milk." Bolt's voice got dark as he spoke, his hand now framed by dancing arcs of electricity. "Tell me, you GRRM ball fondler, do you have any clue who I am? Please say yes, because that'll make you all the more interesting. I want to see how heavy those balls you're dragging along are."  

Paige Nelson

"Wait wait wait. Let me guess. You're the Sir Sparks A Lot that's all over the news!? Oh no!" She says, mimicking a damsel in distress, heavy on the sarcasm. "Well Sinead O'Rebellion. Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior. Look, dude, I didn't want to start some shit with you. I couldn't even see you past the Mountain over here. I just wanted a walk in the dark while listening to my music, like all good little Hot Topic edgelords aspire to do. Deal?"  

Blood Bolt

"God, that's so clever." Bolt shot back without pause. "I swear you get smarter the less common sense you use." Taking another step forward, he slid the other hand out of his pocket as he closed the distance. "But it's good to see you do know me. That means I don't just need to send you back to your husband in the 'Deep South' just for being a mouthy little shit. Instead, we can have a little chat." Blue streaks started to pour into him from the few electrical sites nearby and the smile grew bigger as his eyes shown with red power. "Sorry to say kid, your walk is on pause until I'm satisfied. But since you asked so nicely." Red electricity shot from his hand towards the girl.
[x1 Minor, -1EP]

Paige Nelson

Her eyes went wide as the sparks came towards her. She instinctively threw her arm up in front of her face as she flinched. The electricity seemed to hit a wall of sorts, with the tendrils spreading out like cracks in the sidewalk as it dissipated. She felt the impact, but not in the way she expected. Slowly lowering her arm, she looked up at him. "Well, that was rude as fuck. Dude, what the hell?"
[Pather x1 Minor, -1EP]

Blood Bolt

Both Bolt and Greg looked at the girl, and then each other, and back to the girl. "Well fuck me sideways. And upside down--Greg, have you ever tried upside down? It's amazing. I mean--wait, back to the matter at hand. What the fuck was that?" He swiped a quick hand through the air and felt nothing. Then he shot a few bolts of power in the direction of Paige, but around her, like he was trying to gauge the size of the shield. When they went straight through his curious expression turned to concern and then to even more interest. "Huh. Neat trick girly. Show me your next one when we see how you handle 'unlimited power.'" From both hands poured more electricity in the direction of the girl again.
[x3 Basic, x1 Normal, -3EP]

Storyteller #1

To give this poor girl credit, she tried. I mean, she tried real hard y'all. But her best just wasn't good enough. She hadn't even really acknowledged her powers much less trained it to know how to help with this sort of attack! Now he's over here blasting electricity at her like it ain't no thang but a chicken wing. Let's watch.  

Paige Nelson

Her mind had about a split second to try and figure out how to strengthen her shield, but it was pointless. The shield did lessen the impact, but it shattered relatively quickly, sending her spinning backwards and landing on her ass. 'I think I fucked up.' She quickly got back to her feet but kept the distance that his attack thankfully afforded her. "Dude. What. The. FUCK?!"
[Pather x1 Normal, -3EP]

Blood Bolt

"Like a little cockroach that just won't die." Bolt grumbled as he pulled in even more electricity, causing some of the nearby lights to pop and flicker out. "Greg, watch me whip out the Raid can and smoke this bitch. Well, only a little. Like medium rare. I still want to have a chat." Done playing games, Bolt let out three series of larger blasts towards Paige, hoping to break her shield and hit her with enough to knock her out....or kill her. Let's be honest this wasn't an exact science, not even for him.
[x3 Normal, -9EP]

Storyteller #1

Well now, that's just straight up rude. This kid has no manners. She was right, takes one to know one. Tsk tsk tsk. He needs a mommy just as much as she does. He's going to the bad place if he kills this innocent-ish child, I swear.  

Paige Nelson

She knew the feel of the shield a little more now and so she conjured another one, but it was about as strong as the last. His blasts tore through it again and she got hit head on with the force of about two of his blasts. She went down hard. As she was falling, she had enough wherewithal to say, 'Not this again.' She landed with a smack, though thankfully the back of her head was spared from most of the impact.
[Pather x1 Normal, -3EP]

Storyteller #2

Bolt quickly directed Greg to grab the girl. The streets were clear, or clear enough given they were strolling down them. People in Henry had already learned to avoid the duo if they were walking. Well, the locals anyways. Greg carefully picked up the girl and moved them to a nearby alley where he set her on the ground. Bolt waited attentively...for about two minutes before he continued the conversation with Greg about cars and Outcry tickets that Greg eventually confirmed he bought.   Meanwhile, the girl stirred, showing she was clearly alive. While the definitely doesn't need his Mommy boss of the Wards shot the shit with his ever-present friend. Hopefully when Satan's bride wakes up, she learns better manners, as should the other narrator. Smh.  

Blood Bolt

"Think she's dead? I mean...she's moving. So, I don't think she's dead. Maybe I should kick her. Should I kick her, Greg? Imma kick her." Bolt gave Paige a light kick in the thigh with his foot. "Hey, 'black is my favorite color', are you dead? I really don't want to have to deal with another body today so please don't be dead."  

Storyteller #1

Listen here, chile. I tell it like I see it. You do you. I'mma do me. Now, back to the scene. It's about to go down. Or not, but it sounded good at the time.  

Paige Nelson

"I'm as dead as you are inside." 'But if I can actually throw up these fucking walls or whatever, apparently I can actually talk to dead people too. Freak out later. Deal with this shit first.' "Don't fucking kick me again. What other dead body ... ya know what? I don't want to know. I just want to fucking leave at this point. And I swear to god if you made me lose my airpods..." She puts her hands up to her ears and finds them still there. Whether or not they're gonna work again might be a different story.  

Storyteller #2

The hell did you call me? Do we need to get the manager in here? I swear, every time you show up you-- Never mind, back to the scene.  

Blood Bolt

"And here I was worried that little short circuit would fuck up your attitude. Looks like I was worried for nothing, Greg." Barking out a laugh and giving Paige a kick with his foot, he asked "And what exactly are you gonna do there 'everything sucks including me.'? Gonna write some harsh words on a bathroom stall and draw me some wicked doodles in your notebook?" Squatting down, Bolt stared at Paige with the same manic grin and slightly tilted head. "What's your name Mrs. Morningstar? And what exactly was it you did back there."  

Storyteller #1

Oh lawd someone call the drama police. Weeee oooo weeee oooo. This is why they don't let us work the same shifts.  

Paige Nelson

"Short Circuit. Good movie from the olden days. I'm sure you remember them." She slowly starts to sit up and wraps her arms around her legs. "If I suck, you'll never find out. But that's real sensitive there, Mr. PC. For all you know, I like tacos and not hot dogs. You need to get with the times, old man." She stretched her back and cracked her neck, trying to see if she had any real injuries. "Name's Paige. I don't know what the fuck I did exactly. Apparently, I'm more of a freak than anyone expected. Maybe my picture will be up on the news with yours soon. We can be twins."  

Blood Bolt

"Paige huh. Sort of a shitty name. At least it's not Monica. I knew a Monica once, total bitch. I mean, like--Greg, tell her how much of a bitch Monica was. We're talking Ragnarok levels bitch." Bolt was still sending a few zaps of energy progressively closer to Paige as he talked, testing the air. In a rare moment of sanity, Bolt murmured "Huh, a forcefield I guess. It took the first few hits from me too, so a decent strength one. Not bad." Standing back up, he grinned down at her again. "I like this one, Greg. I think I'll take her. I always wanted to be a dad. Do that whole "I am your father" thing. We gotta get her some better threads tho, no daughter of mine is marrying the Lord of Evil. Not under my roof."  

Paige Nelson

"At least if my name was Monica, there would be a better chance of me sucking. Just ask Bill and Hillary. Do you even have a roof, Darth? But don't you even think of touching my clothes. It took time to put this outfit together. People leave you alone when your inner freak shows on the outside, see? You don't have to worry about that so much since you've got Gregor. I'm sorry, dude, I just can't call you straight up Greg. Don't hate. Appreciate. Do you have a brother that's your ultimate enemy too? Please tell me you do."  

Blood Bolt

"Greg, look at my little ray of sunshine and angst, already taking after me with the quips." Wiping a non-existent tear, Bolt continued, "I'm just so fucking proud." Greg, to his credit, just kept glancing between the two, internally unsatisfied with how things seemed to be working out. If a mind reader was around, all they'd hear in his head was Are you kidding me, there's two of them! Bolt, to his credit, had decided to sit across the alleyway from Paige and seemed to grow a bit--keyword there--serious. "Kiddo, you don't need people to leave you alone when you can make them. Relying on the good will of fuckin normies is like standing in the rodeo with a bum leg and praying the Bull just doesn't feel like it that day."   "But I dig your little 'please sacrifice me to the lord of evil so I can make sweet passionate love in the pits of hell with him' look. As for a roof, um, the fuck? Girlie, I should be asking you that with your get up. Think my ass just walks around all day with Greg? Okay, wait, to be fair I do do that, but that's because the people at my place bore me. You'll love it tho! It totally matches your 'fuck the establishment and bras' vibe."  

Paige Nelson

"I'm underage, you shouldn't be looking to see if I'm wearing a bra or not. Creeper. But yeah. I got a roof with my current foster fam. We'll see how long it lasts. They usually come to the realization that I'm a smart ass and nothin they do is gonna change that shit so they send me back. They want a kid with less "issues", not me. I've only been in NV like... I don't know... a few months. Whatever. I forget. Move around too much. They ran out of people in Alexandria, so they had to ship me here. Whoop de freakin do." 'Why are you spilling your guts to this rando? Shut the fuck up, Paige!'  

Blood Bolt

“Kid, I don’t have to look to see what you’re about written across your face. Come on now. Besides, Greg is the only one who captures my eye. Right Greg, you sexy piece of ass.” Bolt looks up at Greg with a wink. The bigger man just lets his eyes go wide and shakes his head in a ‘Aw hell nah’ fashion with a lot of force put behind it. The gang leader, who had killed so many people at this point not even Greg could keep track, burst out in a genuine and honest laugh that filled the alleyway. Wiping an eye, he turned back to Paige, trying to keep the humor out of his voice. “I get that kid. Most of the people I run with do.”   He pauses for a second as things settle into place. “Ah, shit. Let me take a shot in the dark here daughter dearest. All you just said, that was before you found out you were an Evo, right?” Her inability to really control her power, the attempt to deny it. Yeah. “Damn kid. I wish I could say it makes it easier, but that’s a lie. At least it is if you keep playing Shaggy’s ‘it wasn’t me’ in terms of what you can do.” He leans back on the wall and relaxes a bit more. “So why wait to get kicked out for the 100th time. Why not get yourself a real family with Daddy Bolt and Uncle Greg. Or Aunt Greg. I’m not sure. Greg, do you identify as male or female, I’ve never asked. And for that, I am so so so so so so sorry. You can tell me big guy….or girl. I don’t judge.”  

Paige Nelson

"Bolt and Greg sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Get a room already, though it looks like you might have to resort to some bondage shit to get Aunt Greg involved at first. Who knows, maybe he/she likes it. Bet you haven't asked that either have you, 'Daddy Bolt'." Then she sighed and put her chin on her arm, turning away from him. "But... Bob and Linda actually aren't bad. They seem like they actually give a shit. Fuckin first time for everything, right? Foster family number 45 for the win? Dude, I don't fucking know." He could tell she was conflicted about a lot of things. "This freak shit, makes everything so much more complicated. What if they fucking hate me? Can't stand the sight of me when they find out I'm an Evo? Being a fuckin 'ally' and actually having one living in your home, that's two different things ya know? What the fuck am I supposed to do then?" She was basically talking to herself at this point, staring off into the distance.  

Blood Bolt

"Assume, nah. Assuming makes an Ass out of Me and Greg...wait, that's not how that, fuck it. Nah, kid. We're saying if they do be assholes, then fuck them. That's what you're worrying about. What you'll do if they react, not how they'll react. do I.... Hey, Uncle Phil, help out." Bolt was not used to this advice shit, but something about the Goth Princess made him want to give some advice. Call it amends for the dozens he'd killed--or call it what it was as the most entertaining thing he'd run into today.   "Everyone wants to belong. You're probably just looking in the wrong places. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of crazy." Greg's deep ass voice took up the slack for Bolt's inability to string proper advice into a sentence.   "Exactly! Crazy shit. Maybe you're right. Maybe these fucking suburb Betty and Joe will be different. Doesn't seem like they will be given your attitude though." Bolt had taken out a newport, to the disdainful look from Greg. "Oh shut up, this is getting me stressed with feels and shit, Mom." Lighting it, he took a slow puff and seemed to center a bit back to that very unseen calm Bolt persona. "It's your life, Princess. But it sounds like you're too busy worried about getting other people off rather than making sure you get yours." With a grin he said, "Put another way, you're spending too much time licking Life's love hole and not focusing on your own needs, if ya catch my drift."   "Stop living in a country song and be one of those screamo songs you listen to about doing whatever the fuck you want and being happy licking Satan's twat or what not. I don't know. Just be fucking happy, kid, it's not that hard if you stop giving a shit about making others happy."  

Paige Nelson

"Hey, bum me one, will ya?" She nods at his cigarette and then looks at both men. "So, are you gonna charge me for this therapy session, Daddy Bolt and Uncle Phil? Shit's gettin real 90's tv special over here. You're probably right though. Damn the man! I do what I want! Fuck anyone who doesn't agree. Gonna have Abbey make me a song with that title, "Damn the man, I do what I want!" Now I just gotta figure out what the fuck I want to do. This about covers it lately anytime I'm not with Abbey. I vibe with my headphones and go wherever my feet decide to take me. If I get lost, that's what Google's for, and then the train takes me back home. Don't think much more ahead than that. But... do y'all hang out often or anything? Aside from the Marvel comic one liners and after school special feels... this has actually been pretty cool..."  

Blood Bolt

On autopilot, Bolt took the pack out of his pocket and went to grab a cig before Greg gave a firm shake of his head. "You're not getting her hooked on those." He said sharply. Sliding the pack back into his pocket with one hand raised, Bolt gave a "Sheesh Momma Greg, I got it. Sorry daughter dearest, Mom says no." Finishing his smoke, he answers Paige's question. "Greg and I are best buds for life. We're always together. When we're not preoccupied with business."   Jumping up, he dusted himself off and grinned. "You should come by sometime! I mean, you always got a place with us if you want. But I get the feel you need to sort your shit out first. So...Fuck, Greg, what's my phone number now?"   Greg, for his part, slips a wad of bills out of his pocket. Taking the piece of paper wrapped around it that had the amount. Grabbing a pen, he wrote two numbers on it and their names next to it. "You call if you need us. Anytime. Got it?" He tossed the wad of cash to Paige and Bolt said, "And there's your allowance. Go get some new clothes. I think you could go even more Satan worshipy if you tried hard enough. But we...are late for a 'meeting' I think." Bolt tossed on some quotes at the meeting part.   "Always remember my sweet pea, Great Power comes great awesomeness and shit."  

Paige Nelson

She caught the roll of bills with wide eyes. "Yeah you bet, old man. I'll be sure to step up my game. Make ya proud. Maybe I'll buy out Hot Topic and make them not be such posers. I'll, uh, call next time I'm out here then." She stuffed the money under her shirt. "Thanks for being cool n shit."  

Blood Bolt

Rubbing her head, Bolt gave an actual genuine smile. "Make sure you grab from the top shelf, Princess. Only the best for my gal." With that, he threw up a hand and gave a wave. "Give us a call, Paige. Like Momma said, whenever you need."   Greg set a hand on Paige's shoulder and spoke softly. "Take care of yourself. And we mean it. He likes ya, that's a rare thing." Hitting her chest near her heart, he added, "You're stronger than you look. 'Member that."  

Paige Nelson

Normally it would piss her the fuck off if some random guy put his hands on her, but she realized they were no longer in the random category. This little tête-à-tête had gotten through to her more than anyone had in a really, really long time. 'Fuckin weird.' "I'll remember, Auntie Greg. Thanks dude. I'm going to that concert this Friday, but that's all I've got going on. Maybe I'll see you guys before then."  

Blood Bolt

Greg gave a smile and nod. The smile was a bit…well okay it was unnatural. Greg doesn’t smile much. Or talk this much. He’s treading new lands. “Have fun and be safe. Let us know if you’re around. We will swing by.” With that, the giant made his way after Bolt, who immediately struck up a conversation about if he should get a cool choker with lightning bolts or not.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
July 6, 2021


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