New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 6 Document in Evos | World Anvil

New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 6

Summer 2021, Week 2

Wednesday afternoon

New Vic News

Mary Mays

“Mary Mays reporting live from the steps of City Hall, where Mayor Monica Sims plans to make an announcement. Many suspect this will have to do with the recent rise in Evo-targeted hate crimes in direct opposition of her initiatives and will likely touch on the recent actions of Blood Bolt or the new menace, Swarm, plaguing the streets of New Victoria.”   “Oh, here she comes now! Let’s tune in.”  

Mayor Sims

“Citizens of New Victoria, I am speaking to you now at a time of struggle, but one we are all too familiar with. I know more than most that the media, as useful as they can be to our free and democratic society, often make things seem new, larger than life, a page turn in history. But that’s not always the case as we are well too aware. Crime is not new to us. Criminals are not new to us. Since the dawn of human history there have been those who believed they could shirk the bond that hold society together for their own gain, and there have been those who defeat and capture them.”   “Right now, our brave officers are doing just that all over the city. And they will continue to do so. We, however, must also do our part. This rise in anti-Evo crimes is unacceptable and unwelcomed in a modern society. Especially when Evos have been putting themselves at risk for us long before the city tore down the walls of hate and segregation for them. With me today is Engineer DeAndre Walker of the New Victoria Fire Department. Mr. Walker is credited with saving countless lives, many of them likely watching and recognizing him now. Day in and day out, Mr. Walker faced a blazing inferno”—the mayor seemed to get caught up for a moment before smoothly continuing—“with complete disregard for his own safety to save those trapped beneath the flames. And Mr. Walker has something to share.”  

DeAndre Walker

As the Mayor turned, Andre stepped forward and looked out over the crowd of onlookers and media personnel. Catching the Mayor’s eye, Andre straightened up and spoke clearly into the microphone. “My name is DeAndre Walker. I’ve been a firefighter in New Victoria for 7 months. And for my entire life, I’ve been an Evo.” At that, he stepped back and rose a few inches into the air, clear enough off the ground for the cameras to pick it up.  

Mayor Sims

As the murmuring started, but before questions could be lobbied, Sims walked back forward. “In a country that didn’t presently accept him for who he was, Mr. Walker took up the position of saving lives. And he is only one of countless Evos who do the same, using their gifts for the benefit of all of society. Nurses and Doctors who heal the sick that are beyond the realm of normal science. Telepaths who help cure trauma. Dozens, hundreds, of law abiding, society helping, living beside us Evos who spend every day like us trying to make the world a better place. We must allow them the chance to do that.”   “And we must also ensure that those who would use their gifts for ill reasons are brought to swift justice. Therefore, I am more than happy to announce that our AERI program is off and running. Our AERIs will take the fight to criminals like Bolt and Swarm and once again make sure our city is a safe, thriving, happy place to live in. Already a team of amazing Evos is being brought together, with Mr. Walker being among them."   "Finally, New Victoria will have a team of Emergency Responders ready and willing to answer the call when people need them the most. They will work alongside our officers, firefighters, EMTs, and more to ensure our city is healthy, stable, and safe now and for the future.”   Looking at her guest, a smirk barely picked up by the cameras flashed on her face. Grabbing Andre’s hand, she held it up in a triumphant gesture. “So then, New Victoria, say hello to your first AERI, Victory!”
Statement, Artistic
Digital Recording, Video
Authoring Date
June 30, 2021


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