Nancy Drew and the Inquisitive Journalist Document in Evos | World Anvil

Nancy Drew and the Inquisitive Journalist

Summer 2021, Week 3

Friday midday

History of New Victoria Museum, Museum District


The weather outside of the museum of New Victorian history was a storm, or at least one beginning to brew, besides that it was another boring old Friday for most people, enjoying their lunches as they groaned and complained, waiting for the worm day to end. Students excitedly ready for the weekend.  

Ryder Hooker

Among the people who had somewhat entered the museum was a Ryder. He was a tall thin man that many would describe as lanky, he wasn’t wearing his suit the rain would ruin it rather he wore a flannel over a basic tee shirt and jeans the camera that’s been somewhat haunting him buried into his bag with the tape recorder that wasn’t working properly. He was still trying to figure out why the audio was ruined by a chaotic mess of static. Either way Ryder had been looking around and inspecting exhibits quietly mumbling to himself a little.  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Eleanor Sinclaire had just finished with the last student tour of the day. A group of high school freshman that looked just about ready to head to lunch. Elle waved goodbye before heading back to wander around the museum to answer any questions. Her head felt strange as she turned to look at a tall, lanky, dark-haired man. She looked rather nice today, but figuring something was about to happen, she fidgeted and began tying her hair up with a scrunchie.   Elle had the tendency to put their hair in a ponytail when thinking. Somehow it helped her think. Elle, hearing mumbling from the living man- as well as the feeling that something was in his bag- made her approach him. "Hello sir, are you enjoying the exhibit?"  

Ryder Hooker

Ryder was looking at something about the different powers of Evo’s that had been discovered. Ryder seemed oddly enough to have a smile on his face sure. He was trying to find out if those visions were actually because he was an evo. He looked a bit grungy besides the smile and his messy hair it was clear he lived in the poorer parts of the city but that didn’t matter as he looked over, and shyly spoke. “Oh Uhm, y-yeah I’m glad there’s m-more information a-about Evos and uh stuff now.”  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle figured they could work with this. The man seemed a bit nervous, nervous enough that he would talk or at least give information away. She could tell something was in his bag... but what was it?   "Yes, Evos have an interesting history. I didn't know much about them before I moved here. Luckily the university has offered some classes. Did you know that some Evos have a higher probability of turning into ghosts?"   She just met him and already lied, but she kept going, no time to think about the morals of all that.   "Some even possess items they were attached to on earth making the item have similar abilities due to have a soul attached." That part was true, though not taught at school. Imagine teaching about ghosts... Evos they could prove existed... ghosts were still seen as fiction. Though she figured this part may mean something to him due to the feeling she was getting from that bag.  

Ryder Hooker

While Ryder considered his items "cursed" that was somewhat only accurate, given it let him see the supernatural and hear it respectively. He took a step closer as Elle talked and midway through her words the hair on the back of his neck stood up, his pupils dilated for just a second. his mind filled with nothing but a loud   Ping   Like of Sonar, or more accurately, a quick remove steering wheel being clicked in or the clip of an M1 Garand. He softly peaked his head to the side. He didn't believe in ghosts, so he had a few questions he wasn't sure when she had lied but knew that she had. So, he took steps one at a time.   "O--oh so what specifically are you lying about? T--that ghosts exist or that evo's are more likely to b----be ghosts o--or p--possession isn't real or that you don't view the history of Evo's as interesting?" He asked rather harmlessly he didn't seem to have any actual harm; he was just straightforward when people lied to him. He looked over a bit like a harmless animal filled with curiosity would. He knew his power wasn't 100% when at range but was confident enough usually that it wasn't wrong. It's lead to some......bad endings to long relationships. Not his though. Ryder was never in a relationship.
[Pather normal -3 12/15EP]

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle raised her eyebrows. Interesting to point it out, but I can work with this. "Ghosts are very real, sir." She lowered her voice now. "And I know you have something on you that proves it." Eleanor had learned to be more direct. When it came to ghosts, she had this need to find out the truth. You could consider it some sort of Nancy Drew instinct. The need to uncover a mystery.   Ryder could tell she was telling the truth which might have made it all the more concerning. She didn't dance around her lie, but she didn't admit that evos aren't as likely to be a ghost, it’s about the same. It was strange that the man caught on to such a small, insignificant lie. It mattered more to him than it should have, at least in her eyes.   Elle walked past the man, turning to face a door that led to a little garden outside the museum. "I'd love to give you a tour of the outside since you seem so interested in our history!" She announced, a little louder to make sure no one was suspicious but also to make sure that he would follow. She had something to discuss with him. She thought she did anyway.  

Ryder Hooker

Ryder was giving a look like he was deep in thought in reality he was thinking Oh fuck they are real? Well shit. that explains a-lot I guess but I can't just take one random person’s word for it. before he went quiet with a blank expression blinking,   "So where was the lie then?" He asked rubbing his neck awkwardly. He in all honesty just didn't like lies and lying. He liked the truth even if it was a bad habit to keep digging. but when she walked pasted him and announced he got suspicious. He knew he could handle himself well enough as is, but what if she's an Evo? how would he handle that? He didn't have a gun on him he left it at home again. He awkwardly stared for a moment clenching his fist and joining her.  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle waited for the man to join her. "What's in your bag?" The man called her out enough that she did not mind doing the same. She paused for a second, rolling her eyes but deciding to be earnest.   "Evos and humans have equal opportunity to become ghosts." She thought for a moment, thinking about his extreme reaction to her lying. "How did you know I was lying? It was a white lie so why did you seem to freeze and look pained when I did?" Maybe she was reading too much into it, but he made the big spectacle himself.  

Ryder Hooker

Ryder cocked his head to the side when she asked what was in his bag before he quickly remembered what he had packed that day. "Oh, just normal stuff; Pencil, Wallet, Notepad, Mints, Camera, Recorder, Bobby pins I think I've got some spare chopsticks from t---that time I got sushi?" when was that? Oh god that was months ago, that's been in there along time...Back on track, back on track Ryder "And uh some photo's"   "O-oh so that was the lie? h-huh not that big a deal, I dunno whenever people lie to me I just uh k-know and I'm uh fighting off a bit off a headache, I uhm.....I’ve been lightheaded all day." and this was true, earlier that day he was sitting in his small trailer's bathroom darkroom that wasn't that well ventilated.  

Eleanor Sinclaire

"Alright, fine. I'm picking up a trapped essence in your bag. I can't make you show me, however. A camera? Are you a photographer or something?" Elle raised an eyebrow; the man didn't seem like a photographer. He seemed decently put together, like he was trying hard to look good. At least, that was the way he carried himself.   "And know? that's interesting. Maybe you should teach me. I could use the expertise because apparently I'm not so good of a liar." At this, she grinned. She shook her head, snapping out of the laugh to go back to the matter at hand. Who is this man? What's his game?  

Ryder Hooker

"Trapped essence?" Ryder awkwardly blinked again cocking his head to the side before shaking it his messy hair softly bouncing and cascading around his eyes in a side-to-side motion as he looks down at his bag and flaps it open and closed as if he was fanning a ghost away. But there wasn't a ghost in there his camera and recorder were weird like that. "No, I’m a freelance investigative journalist......I just....don't worry about it y'know?" He shrugged a bit again and looked around. "I'm afraid I don't think it's something I can teach since I dunno how I do it myself"  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle's eyes widened. "You're a freelance investigative journalist? Does that mean work brings you here?" She tucked a hair out of her face and behind her ear. It sounded really interesting; she figured the answer would be no. He can't always be working. But investigators she heard of always seemed to be snooping for something. Her ponytail swayed as she tilted her head to the side.  

Ryder Hooker

Ryder almost instantly blushed at the hair tucking and the question. Awkwardly rubbing his fingers together, he looked to the widened eyes with a bit of a weak smile. "W--well, I--I’m j-just s--starting out really, L--looking for my first article n--not that anyone is going to read it probably, I--I kinda post myself on a--an outdated website too so that p-probably doesn't help."  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle was more inquisitive now than forceful. "Well, is there anything I can do to help? If its history related or psychology related, I'd be more helpful than anything else. I'm sure with your ability to point out lies and your courage could be a great asset. That, or dangerous... But we don't have to talk about that part."  

Ryder Hooker

"Uhm, N--not really, S--since I don't have a c--case yet really though b--but if I ever need any help in those area's I--I’ll be sure to try and find you. W---working alone isn't a---always easy....and uhm thanks maybe? I-I k--kinda live dangerously a--anyway uhm so yeah." He started to ramble a bit the awkward fiddling of his fingers getting a bit more active. It was odd this was the most he had talked to someone in a while, he didn't expect this to happen at all. He thought it would just have been a "How can I help you? Nah I'm fine" and that's it.  

Eleanor Sinclaire

Elle nodded and started heading back to the museum. "Well, that was all." She called out to the man behind her. "Sorry if it was too much trouble." Something was still off about this man who's name she didn't even know. She had a feeling that she'd find out eventually though.  

Ryder Hooker

"Oh uhm....Okay, i--it was really nothing, uhhhhh. Okay uhm bye?" Ryder awkwardly waved standing there as she left. If I leave now then we'll have to awkwardly walk the same way, and I don't think either of us want that, so I'll just stand here for a minute. looking around for a no smoking sign and not seeing one Ryder decides to pull out a cigarette and take a smoke. He hadn't had one in years and was saving this for an occasion, but he didn't want to awkwardly stand there and not be doing something if someone walked up to him again.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
July 9, 2021


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