My Dick Is Bigger Than Yours Document in Evos | World Anvil

My Dick Is Bigger Than Yours

Summer 2021, Week 3

Tuesday evening

Henry Park, The Wards

Blood Bolt

"Yanno, I was thinking. Maybe after we hang up the guns and wash up the blood, we could start a business." Greg followed right behind Bolt as they walked the paths of the run-down park. Trash littered the sides of the pathway and broken bushes, and carved trees were spaced out every couple dozen yards. The few rusted benches that remained were occupied this late at night, usually by people covered in grime and tucked into a trash bag or under a blanket held together only by a few threads. "I was thinking a woodshop. We could make these little wooden toys and cabinets. Have you seen the vids of those old dudes just shittin' out a cabinet, Greg? It's fucking magic, they just take these boards and BAM, Cabinet. All carved and fancy looking. We could make some change off that."   A grunt of approval--or indulgence--came from the big man, whose eyes were watching the entire park at once. His hand rested on his gun, ready to jump into action, meanwhile his boss walked along with hands in pocket as he kicked a red solo cup down the way. "I was thinking 'Bolt's Bombass Bookshelves & Stuff' for a name. Obviously, I don't wanna only make bookshelves, but the name had to be smooth. Gotta market that shit, Greg." They turned a corner in the path and Greg spoke up with a "There." Down the way, maybe 100 yards or so, underneath one of the few lit path lights left in the park, was a group of seven men all milling about. The group looked up and spotted the two, all of them turning and waiting. "Do you--do you think they had that rehearsed? It totally looked rehearsed. Like one of them said '1, 2, 3, okay turn now.' Or some shit. Maybe we should try that."   Even as he asked, Bolt hadn't slowed in his casual walk towards the group, the red cup forgotten in the middle of the path.  


Watching the two men walk closer, the muscle of the group lifted their shirts or put hands on their side holsters as all of them made ready to react in case anything went down. The two in the front of the pack put on the toughest faces they could and tried--tried real damn hard--to not balk at the sight of the giant who followed behind the normal looking guy. In their minds they knew it was the normal one who was the most dangerous of the two. But try telling you brain to remember that when Greg walks up silent and leering like a Giant who just saw an Ant for the first time.   "You're late." Was all the main man could get out. He did impress even himself with the fact his voice didn't crack. "You said 10pm, and alone."  

Blood Bolt

"Well fuck me running, I am late. Greg, I told you we should have left earlier." Leaning on one of his legs he tried to relax. When I open the woodshop, I can make a shit ton of chairs to bring with me for things like this. "But in case you hadn't noticed, Chuckles, you aren't exactly alone either.  


"No shit. Can't trust you freaks. Needed some insurance." The group behind him nodded, some looking like they were about to say something in support until they met the giant's eyes.  

Blood Bolt

The relaxed posture abated a bit at that word. That fucking word. Plastering that wide smile on his face, Bolt spread his elbows out in a 'what can you do' pose. "I don't need you to trust me. I just need you to obey me. Simple enough really."  


"This again? Look, Battery, we already told you, McAlpin is Lonemen turf. And your ass has a lot to answer for about the guys you shot up a few days back. When you called this, we expected some repayment for that." Sliding a Glock from his waistband holster, the leader let it hang by his side. "Nah, in fact, we demand repayment. Then you and your circus are gonna stay in Henry and out of our spot."  

Blood Bolt

"What's your name."  


"The crew calls me G-Rile, I run shit here. You can just call me 'Sir.'" Damn that was a good one. The boys laughed at that, all of them having drawn their guns and holding them by their side. "So, what's it gonna be?"  

Blood Bolt

"It's not even fun with people like you." The words carried some sadness to them mixed with disappointment. "I fuck up a fair chunk of your crew, and what do you go and do? You pull out words like Freak, Circus, fucking Battery. I it so much to ask that I get to deal with someone actually interesting for once."  


"The fuck did you say to--"  

Blood Bolt

"Shut up, Princess. Daddy's talking." Red light flicked in Bolt's eyes as he glared at the man who was cut off by the--was that a fucking growl?--from Greg. "It's the same shit every time with shits like you. I try and make a deal, y'all tell me to go walk my Freak Battery Ass back to where I came from, I fuck your shit up and try again, and y'all do the same shit. It's honestly frustrating that you Never. Fucking. Learn."  


The guns started to raise; the group unsure what to do but seeing the tension growing. Greg swept coat back to reveal the grip of his own gun, all while Bolt just seemed to pace back and forth in place as he talked. G-Rile hadn't said a word yet, but clenched his jaw as Bolt went on, fingers adjusting their grip around his piece.  

Blood Bolt

"And Battery, fucking--" Bolt let out a long sigh. "You know where that came from? I was 16, just starting out, and the most I could do was shock someone like a battery. So, the older groups--all the geezers--they take to calling me that, right? Granted I earned it. I was a snotty little shit who though he ran things. They taught me early on that wasn't the case. So, yeah, I let them call me that. Because they earned it. Well, right up until I put a bullet in their heads."   "There was respect back then, yanno? You showed respect to your betters. Then you take a little trip to the House and come back to find that went out the window and now people are fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid. Like you're seriously fucking stupid, holy shit, look around Baby doll. I came here with one guy--okay, granted it's Greg and he's a fucking beast--but one guy."   Hands slowly slipped out of Bolt's pockets for the first time as his grin finished evolving into a maniac level smile. "Do you know what that means, sweetheart?"  


The guns all started to come up, but just prior the streetlight popped with an arch of blue light, casting the area into darkness that delayed the men just long enough for red streaks to fire out and slam into the chests of each. Cut off screams and the clattering of guns was heard just prior to the sounds of bodies dropping to the pavement with satisfying smacks of flesh on concrete.  

Blood Bolt

"That means you should have shown some respect to this 'Freak.'" The only light in the area came from the glowing hue of red energized eyes that faded, casting the park back into true darkness.   Their footsteps scrapped against the pathway as they continued walking. Bolt waited just long enough for Greg to grab cellphones and cash--dinner was on them--so the proper calls could be made to the rest of the gang. Bolt already sent Paula and Richard to deal with the remnants back at their meeting places in McAlpin. This was just a good way to get the leadership out of the way so they couldn't fully react when they got hit.   "Do you know how to stain, Greg? Those old guys can do some wicked shit with some stain." The now undisputed gang leader of the Wards asked his always by his side companion, as they made their way down the park, leaving seven bodies in the wake.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
July 6, 2021


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