Evelyn Bondrew Character in Evos | World Anvil

Evelyn Bondrew

(a.k.a. Blood Daze)


A woman of few words, Evelyn keeps to herself within her clinic while preparing for customers. Evelyn balances a masked, anonymous persona with her public Evo identity, and the imbalance of emotion is apparent in her lack of social skills. This is not to depict herself as a hermit however, as Evelyn will commonly attempt to socialize with others and attempt to help anyone she can. Her knack for more gothic clothing compliments her quiet and cold nature, and Evelyn will often appear blank-faced due to the consistent blood-drawing she undergoes for her clinic. This all leads to a difficult social life that fuels her social anxiety, but Evelyn still persistently helps anyone who wanders into her clinic, no matter their alignment.  

Evo Abilities


Rank: 3
Power: Evelyn’s blood has the ability to reverse almost any wound when ingested or injected into a human body, it will adapt to their body and replenish their body to what can be considered a perfectly healthy state. This effect varies in severity depending on how much of Evelyn’s blood is ingested, with Evelyn’s body being the furthest extreme of its effects. Specifically, Evelyn’s blood will heal her own body rapidly and is capable of growing limbs back in minutes. There is not a concrete goal-post of how much of Evelyn’s blood is required for a certain effect, but generally the more they consume the stronger the healing. This blood can be remotely stimulated upon Evelyn’s command when within a system (including her own) to rapidly accomplish its goal, and this stimulating ability is even capable of aiding in the operation of bodily functions if slowed or ceased. Evelyn’s blood is also adaptive in the sense that if she consumes blood of any kind, it meshes with her own and is forcefully adapted to match her blood’s utility and ability. This effect of consuming blood also has the byproduct of satisfying any thirst or hunger Evelyn may have. Note that the healing effect in other individuals will persist until fully healed, and no longer.
Examples of Type 1 Actions
Basic: Ingestion of foreign blood and passive use of her own blood as a healing agent.
Minor: Drawing her own blood through injury or needle to apply to another.
Normal: Stimulating her own blood within a system to overheal more rapidly.  


Rank: 1
Power: Eternal Bond
When any natural piece or portion- no matter how small or inconsequential- of a person or entity comes into contact with Evelyn, she gains the ability to develop a link with that individual that essentially lets her peer into their existence. The strength, range, and durability of this link is dependent on what Evelyn uses to develop the bond, a vial of blood generating an extremely strong link as opposed to a loose patch of skin's weaker and shorter link for example. This link will eventually open multiple avenues of interacting with whoever Evelyn bonds with, but at the moment Evelyn has only mastered the ability to see into a person's memories of the last 6 hours with varying degrees of accuracy. The three variables that are in play when a link is developed are: its ability to stay linked to her as Evelyn focuses on other things to an extent (durability), a link's ability to stay active and not lose strength at certain distances from Evelyn (range), and finally the quality of the link to see memories, and so on as the power grows (strength). The ability to create a link is limited to anything that has senses and the capacity to formulate at least rudimentary thoughts, even if it is not self-conscious. Only 1 entity can be linked at a time, and if that entity had any of its senses hampered or nullified within those memories Evelyn experiences them similarly.   A weaker link would only be maintainable within 10 feet, and would break under a decent amount of stress or redirected attention. This kind of link would also slightly hinder the accuracy and ability of Evelyn to understand memories.   A stronger link would be maintainable within 20 feet, be able to persist under greater stress and segmented focus, and would allow Evelyn to access memories with moderate accuracy.  
Example of Interactor Actions
Basic: Developing a link utilizing any piece of someone/something's body for further use.
Minor: Peering into memories from every sense of the linked individual that have occurred within the past 6 hours that individual has experienced.
Normal: N/A  

Blood Vials Collected

  • White Lotus (F)
  • Oliver Lobelia

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to her healing capabilities, Evelyn’s body is extremely healthy for her age and shows little-to-no sign of the effects of aging. This is to say her build is lean, but perfectly fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Evelyn had her suspicions that she contained a unique ability when she was young, but the hunch would not be explored until she was 15 and a tragedy befell her parents. This would put a pin on an otherwise healthy and safe childhood, as Evelyn’s parents were comfortably in the middle class of London’s medical community. There was consistent pressure for Evelyn to follow her parents’ footsteps, but she resisted this until her identity as an Evo was revealed. This would come soon after her 15th birthday, when an individual robbed and significantly injured Evelyn’s parents while the family was out together. Having personally explored her potential, Evelyn panicked and made a gamble on what her blood was capable of- force-feeding her dying father a moderate dose of her own blood as a hail-mary to save him. This paid off and saved her father, but there was no hiding her power any longer. Once she turned 16, Evelyn would begin experimenting with her own power in secret before pursuing a medical license so she could experiment and put her power to good use. This would become possible once she moved to New Victoria to finish her education, as Evelyn publicly registered as an Evo before beginning work at the city’s hospital. This would continue for years until Evelyn realized the potential of her ability, as she would then open her own anonymous clinic for any individual willing to pay- her blood selling for good money on a certain few underground markets. The combined pay of her old medical career and her recent under-the-table-transactions now allow her a comfortable life, but Evelyn now seeks to further explore her ability alongside her newfound second power, knowing well that she is capable of more.

Gender Identity

Cis female




Evelyn is a fully licensed doctor and has spent over a decade running her private clinic.


Private Nurse Practitioner/Owner of Private Clinic.

Personality Characteristics


“The more people I bring back from the brink of death, the closer I feel to being made whole.”

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Skills: Expanded Anatomy/Medical/Biological Knowledge, Black Market/Dark Web Traversal Knowledge, Self Defense/Partial-Martial Arts/Partial-CQB Knowledge

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Peaceful meadows, helping others, and drinking blood.
Dislikes: Politics, fighting, and killing others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Social anxiety. Prioritizes saving lives unless context demands otherwise.


Family Ties

Left in England, still sort of in touch.

Wealth & Financial state

Year of Birth
1990 CE 31 Years old
London, England
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Evos Identity
Known, but has a second, masked identity for her anonymous clinic.
Zodiac Sign

Blood Daze


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