Cartherin Settlement in Everus | World Anvil


The history of Cartherin was a peaceful one when it was Velian controlled. When the empire invaded, things turned violent. Since Cartherin was the first vilage declared as imperial, the peasants of the settlement thought that if they could expel the invaders from their village, then their invasion would fail.   Unfortunately, when the peasants rose up, the imperials didn't take too kindly. They retreated out of the village for a day to protect their own troops, but when they returned the next, the people who stood against them were immediately and ruthlessly killed. When the people eventually bent the knee in fear, it was only the town's old lord and his entorage that stood defiant. They were executed publicly.


Almost entirely humans with a few elves among them.


As part of the Gwensovier Barony, the town pays its taxes to the baron in Omeranth. The town is ruled by a lord and his family/


An old wooden spike barrigace surrounds the village, a long aged reminder of the imperial fortifications of which it was known for.

Industry & Trade

Most of the town's tax is paid in grain or flour, it is part of no major trading company.


Cartherin is a farming town, surrounded by fealds of wheat, grain and vegetables. There is a windmill near the centre of the town which is considered the village's central feature and is bared on the town's sigil.


Cartherin's history with the empire is a bloody one. Revolts and slaughtering marked the imperial invasion's beginning here.


The open plains of the coast of northern Reledus are bountiful for farms. Sea flooding is rare and rivers are galore. The area surrounding Cartherin is flat, baring only the river that the village is built upon as a major feature.

Natural Resources

Fertile fields all watered by the nearby river constitutes almost all of the profitability of the village.
Location under
Owning Organization


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