Halfling Tribes of Arimar

It is believed that all halflings in Evermyst initially came from three known Root Tribes of Nomadic Halflings. These three tribes have roamed the Central plains of Arimar for over 1000 years their Origins are mainly told of in song but halflings from these tribes are of a more rugged breed. Capable of nomadic life on the open plains and fending for themselves.  
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  These Three Tribes Go by the following names:   1. The Tundrastride Clan 2. The Hornwarden Clan 3. The Frosthoof Clan   These Clans are renowned for their skill in domesticating Muskoxen both as mounts and beasts of burden. They make seasonal migrations depending on natural food sources being ready in different regions only stopping a major civilized locations for a short time or in small trade groups. In general, these Halflings Clans spend so much time with their Musk oxen that they have become accustomed to their odor, and their clothes, skin, and hair often smell much like muskoxen. This has led to them often being looked down upon by some civilized or region-bound folk and even the occasional derogatory term such as "Muskies or Trail Halflings"  
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Most Halflings Growing up in any of these Clans the Tundrastride, Hornwarden, and Frosthoof Clans will have some experience and knowledge in some of the following skills like Animal handling or training, wagoneer or teamster skills, Wheelwright, foraging, and cooking just to name a few. The heartier and more independent of these of these clans become skilled hunters, rangers, and scouts and in times of trouble have been known to form cavalry units of Musk Riding Warriors and Archers. The sound of Thundering Hooves from a hundred or so muskoxen can be an impressive if not intimidating sight on a battlefield with their scent often disturbing other riding beasts such as horses or mules and even disturbing some bands of war dogs.  
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These Halfling Nomadic Clans Follow A seasonal Migration in Central Armiar and one clan, in particular, the Frosthoof clan frequents the lands between the Frostrill and Nortthern Rivenscar Rivers most of the year while the Tundrastride and Hornwarden Clans frequent the plains on the southern banks of the Frostrill across the Shalestone river and migrate even farther south to the foothills near the settlements of Larnwich and Longdale. There is a Summer seasonal gathering of all three clans near the halfling settlement of Rootend every year.  
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There have been times when the clans do not gather but this is only a once-in-a-decade occurrence usually due to a Dispute or feud between clan leaders or a sour intermarriage between them. More often the three clans see this gathering as a demonstration and preservation of traditions and the strengthening of the blood ties among all three tribes. The massive encampments and herds of muskoxen are a sight to behold on the foothills overlooking the tundra below for those outsiders given the honor of attending the gathering. A book written by Adam Greymane of Longdale a wandering mage documents almost a decade of these gatherings and the Halfling migrations.  
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Amber, Aella, Brinna, Bess, Cloe, Cora, Dira, Drayla, Dreanna, Elsie, Egrain, Fara, Floxy, Gretta, Gwen, Gwenna, Hanna, Hora, Ingrid, Imwa, Jenna, Jolie, Kiera, Kyla, Kendra, Lucy, Lucca, Leona, Mardred, Meeka, Molly, Nanna, Neera, Ophelia, Orah, Onna, Patrice, Petuna, Polly, Qwinna, Raya, Roxy, Rita, Sally, Sue, Susan, Seera, Tala, Tanya, Tomika, Tess, Ula, Utense, Viki, Vanna, Veera, Wilma, Wyona, Wessa, Xira, Xeona, Yolly, Yenika, Zana, Zira, Zala

Masculine names

Ash, Andar, Alex, Brandon, Bohrs, Bobby, Blake, Carter, Cam, Curt, Don, Dingle, Dale, Drew, Ed, Eagan, Erlo, Figgin, Floto, Farn, Fern, Greg, Grig, Gimbo, Graylo, Harn, Hilbo, Huck, Ian, Ingo, James, Jon, Jojo, Jerik, Kam, Kylo, Kirr, Lando, Luk, Lito, Marko, Mylo, Maford, Nikk, Nod, Nat, Orlo, Olwen, Pat, Pad, Pringle, Pete, Qwik, Qwarth, Ranlo, Roary, Rob, Rill, Sam, Saul, Serik, Surlo, Tamm, Tom, Tuk, Tuck, Turlo, Urloff, Ungo, Vance, Virgo, Virlo, Vinn, Wes, Westly, Xeon, Xader, Yuk, Yolin, Zeo, Zane, Zazzle.

Family names

Harfoote, Prodhorn, Tundrawind, Hoofnhuff, Snortriggle, Tallgrass, Trailwise, Thistletop, Ruddyhide, Morningember, Dustupp, Bighorn, Rustywheel, Tanbotham, Summershine, Autumnwind, Frostyhill, Springdaisy, Woolyhide, Trompnhoof, Goodway, Dustybottom, Highhawk, Muddywheel, Muskytail, Tinderwell, Whistleshaft, Reedmonger, Upperhoof,


Art & Architecture

The Halflings of Arimar Embrace Excellent wood crafting and simple art such as storytelling and music. In general, things are more artistic if they are Durable and utilitarian, and can be passed on to your relatives or if they serve to convey a story or life lesson or commemorate heritage.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

  • It is a common custom among the Halflings of Arimar to Greet family with Hugs. Kissing is only reserved for occasions of privacy and intimacy for those we deeply love unless given to a family member who has been gone for a considerable amount of time. In Halflings Tradition this is marked by more than a year and even a day earlier is looked upon poorly.
  • When a stranger is invited to sleep in a Halflings Wagon (Typically their Home) this is viewed as a sign of sincere respect toward the stranger. It is common for Nomadic Halflings in many cases to have one family bed where many in a halfling family will sleep together.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Halflings of Arimar being primarily Nomadic demonstrate some unusual Funeral Rites and customs. When a Halfling family member dies the family takes the deceased to a significant location near their Tibes Campsite (Usually a seasonal location) and they set the deceased upon a funeral pyre before sunset. As the sun goes down the family prepares a meal for the whole tribe of the Deceased halfling's favorite foods and all speak about their fondest, most peculiar, most aggravating qualities of the Deceased. Once everyone has spoken about the deceased the Pyre is lit and the whole tribe drinks and plays music till the pyre has died before going to bed. In the morning the family gathers the ashes of the deceased and they are kept in a leather sack that is hung beneath the family Cart or wagon and a hole is set in the sack so the ashes so they will spill out on the trail to the next seasonal migration trail.

Common Taboos

Halflings will not Kill any Musk Oxen Just to eat it or provide food for the family except out of a need to relieve the animal of suffering and certain death. Any HAlfling that does kill a Musk Oxen will do so in the most humane way possible and will ask through prayer to the Gods before committing such an Act.

Common Myths and Legends

Legend has it that the Halfling Tribes of Arimar have Telepathic links with Musk Oxen and their existence between the Halflings and the Musk Oxen is intertwined by wonderous and great magics so much so that halflings above all the other races can communicate and form bonds with these creatures.


Beauty Ideals

The beauty Ideals of this Nomadic Halfling Culture are different than non-nomadic Halflings. The Three Nomadic Clans embrace rugged independence and the ability to pull their own weight. Females commonly find it appealing in their male counterparts to be good hunter-gatherers and providers they expect their men to smell much like the muskoxen they ride and care not much for clean appearances. Men tend to find beauty in halfling women who can cook, know how to forage, and look after a campsite while they are away and that can do a man's job in a pinch. More traditional Halfling males like chubby or portly women offer thinner ones as they see this as a sign of health and good cooking or upbringing. These Beauty Ideals are not always embraced by some as worldly influences outside the clan sometimes become evident.

Gender Ideals

Males and Females have distinct Gender Ideals in these halfling nomadic clans but both genders are expected to pull their weight and the distinction really only becomes clear once a male and female wed and begin to raise a family, Halflings look upon this distinction with females taking on the role of tending to the family and home or wagon, and campfires while the males tend to the Herding, hunting, and skills requiring strength and protection. You will not see much distinction between the sexes as far as family and clan duties until the female or male comes of the marrying age of 16 years or older.

Courtship Ideals

It is common in the Nomadic Halfling Culture that Courtship becomes sort of a Twice a year Festival where Single males of marrying age show off their prowess and riding and rangling and the prospective females prepare a feast with each one's cooking, and craftsmanship are judged and on display and its a festival with singing and dancing that lasts nearly a week. At the end of the week, Males Declare their Affection to one or possibly more Females before the whole clan in a drinking toast and ask the parents, then the tribal leaders then finally the prospective female for their blessing to wed. If the parents then the tribal leader and lastly the Halfing woman approve They will wed before the next full moon. This sort of Courtship does have an ugly side with some males getting rejected or females always rejecting suitors but such is life among these halfling clans.

Relationship Ideals

Monogamous Relations are the tradition and even divorce and re-marriage are highly uncommon. Usually only with the blessing of Elders and Tribal leaders blessing or decree.

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