Beastiary February Challenge 2023
The Following 27 (1 Word Prompts) serve as the Inspirations for the Bestiary Challenge for 2023 and presented an opportunity to provide a little glimpse into the sorts of creatures Inhabiting the lands of this world known as Evermyst.
(Links will be added as I can update them)
1. Wings
Although Gryphons are commonly found in the more rugged regions of Evermyst Twilight Gryphons can be found along rocky coastlines of Evermsyt this is where they build their Nests. They hunt during Twilight hours when their golden wings glisten like the twilight and blend with the reflections on the top of the waters as the sun sets. They are known to hunt in packs, one often flying high and serving as a distraction while the rest skim the surface of the ocean in Twilight's reflection looking to strike on their prey. They have been known to pluck unwitting Mariners from their ships or attack in a coordinated fashion as to disable a ship's sails.
If one spends considerable time in the deep woods of Evermyst In particular the southern continents of Avalar and Elabor one might encounter Vale Warthogs. In small numbers of less than 2-3 they will be elusive, but in large groups Referred to as "sounds" they will be very defensive and the males will express Territorial aggression. Vale Warthogs are known for their Distinctive Black and Brown Stripe patterns on their fur that help them blend into the Woodland and dry underbrush. Vale Warthogs Typically don't get much bigger than a large dog but some have been rumored to get as large as a Mule Particularly the Elder Males. Vale Warthogs have often hunted for their hides and as a food source preferable younger Warthogs make the best food as their meat tends to get rather tough after 3-4 years of age. Vale Warthogs have been known to live for several Decades and even a few have been cultured as pets or riding animals by Woodland Elves and Goblins.
It is said they came from one of the planes of hell the Beastmen Stalk the parched lands of Demon Gulch and Bonehaven on the continent of Elabor it is said that dark magics created the massive crater that is in this wasteland and it is from here the Beastmen Sprung Forth in massive hoards to ravage the countryside. Templars of Alara keep watch over the wasteland that these Beastmen now call their home from Whitestorm Keep. Beastmen are particularly aggressive and prone to fits of rage, they are extremely brutal and generally have a disdain for all other humanoid life and pride themselves in displaying victims on sharpened poles or stakes to dry in the harsh sunlight of these lands. Beast men pride themselves in devouring the flesh of women and children, it is said their brutality knows no end.
4. Shell
Giant Coconut Crab Primarily on the Island of Mawiti Atol in Evermyst They are an unusual Crustacean coming from aquatic origins that grows to incredible size. The Giant Coconut Crab is Known for its Highly resilient shell these Crabs typically grow above and beyond the size of a medium-sized dog Most Typical Coconut Crabs Grow to. Mawiti island is teaming with coconut crabs of this size but there are Gigantic versions that sometimes are born from the depths and transform making their way ashore onto the island and coral atolls with Primary body shell surface up to 10-12 feet. It is said that the Ilongo Shamen and Druids believe that these are reincarnations of ancient ancestors returning to the land. Druids have been known to charm such beasts and make use of them as beasts of burden or ride them into the waters and reef shoreline that dots many of these islands. The Giant Coconut crab feeds mainly on Coconuts and smaller crustation, rodents, birds, or fish. but the largest of these have been able to shear through plate armor or rip a person in two if provoked to attack. These Giant Coconut Crabs can live out of the water but can submerge and survive underwater for as much as 8 hours before needing to return to the land.5. Colorful
Prismfowl Duck In the woodland waters of the Elven kingdom of Rya Nalore between the Elwynae River and Glimmer Run rivers a most exquisite form of waterfowl makes its home. The Elves of this region consider them a good omen should they choose to nest near an Elven Spring or catch sight of some if they are traveling along the rivers. It is highly frowned upon by the elves of the region that these creatures be hunted for food but if you speak to human poachers that have procured some of these creatures they say it is an exquisite delicacy to be eaten and the risk of execution or imprisonment by the elves certainly makes the meat from the Prismfowl duck expensive and highly prized in upper-class circles. It is also rumored that these creatures have a special defensive magical ability to blind or stun any creatures or beings attempting to grasp or pick them up while conscious or alive.6. Nocturnal
Great Horned Owl One of the most infamous Nocturnal hunters in Evermyst is the Great Horned Owl these creatures are considered Highly Intelligent and Can grow to have a wingspan nearly 40' across. You will find the Great Horned Owls making nests in the Tallest Trees, Difficult to reach Mountain cliffs and Hillsides of the great continent of Arimar. They hunt at night preying on Farm Cattle, Deer, or Boar even an occasional Mountain lion or bear. It is known that the most venerable of these Great Horned Owls can even communicate telepathically. Some Great druids and clerics have been known to charm or tame these animals making them fantastic Riding beasts.7. Mythical
Alicorn Legend tells of the crossbreeding of two great mythical creatures the Unicorn and the Pegasus creating an even more epic breed known as the Alicorn. The account of such creatures is primarily documented in the Readings of Elves and the occasional astute writings of Wizards who spend much of their company and research time with Elves. If there is a beast of such legend even many Elves dismiss it as only a myth. If such a creature exists in Evermyst information on the location and number of such creatures are probably only kept in the Highest ranking libraries of elves.8. Prey
PuduPudu is a diminutive-sized deer that can be found on all the continents of Evermyst these deer never get much larger than the Knee to waist-high of the average man. Within the Various Forests and Woodlands of Evermyst, these deer live and often migrate to warmer regions during the colder months. They can often be encountered in large herds. Because of this and their diminutive size, they often fall prey to such animals as Wolves, Lions, and Bears, along with Humanoid Hunters for their meat and hides. Pudu meat is often a staple of meat for smaller or more secluded towns and villages. The small Pudu Deer are said to breed almost as easily as Rabbits or squirrels. Although Pudu seems timid they are relatively fast runners and can leap easily 6-7 feet if spooked they have an uncanny speed through brush and overgrowth and often choose to run and scatter as a means of survival for their breed.
9. Monstrous
VurgoyleVurgoyle is a variation breed of gargoyle they are far tougher and usually almost twice the size of typical Gargoyles. Their skin is extremely tough and takes on many of the properties of the Crystal or Gem is known as Onyx. Black in color and highly resistant to Fire and Lightning much like the Magical qualities of Onyx itself. It not sure if this is true or legend but some believe Vurgoyles to have the ability to absorb magic and even reflect it back at those who cast it against them. Vurgoyles are extremely rare. There has been some documentation that certain wizards have been able to bind or make pacts with these creatures to act as guardians to their towers, castles, or libraries.
10. Danger
Abyssal Maw One of the most dangerous creatures encountered within the deep swampy regions of Evermyst Abyssal Maws looks just like tree roots twisted in the muddy waters at one's feet as you trudge through the mires when in fact they are tentacles. When the Abyssal Maw senses an animal or creature near these tentacles lash out and try to grapple its prey and drag it towards its prey closer to its large gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth. Abyssal Maws can swallow crocodiles and water buffalo whole with their mouths reaching widths of up to 15-20 feet in width. most Abyssal Maws typically are smaller but still can easily bite in half a typical human should its tentacles drag its victim towards the Abyss that is is mouth or maw. This creature is one of the clear dangers of traversing Evermyst's Swamps.11. Purr
Flitten Perhaps one of the most endearing creatures of Evermyst is the Flitten a Feywild remotely distant cousin to your typical Tabby cat the Flitten are usually elusive tricksters only found in the Feywild realms but there are times when one of these mischievous creatures appears as a familiar or pet to an enterprising mage or warlock who has some relative ties to the Feywild. Flittens possess Butterfly wings much like many Fairies and Pixies do they are highly intelligent but maintain many kittenlike mannerisms such as playing and making messes of one's papers and journals or the ever-attractive balls of twine or yarn. Flittens have the ability to turn invisible at will and as a protective ability can call upon an unexpected growl or roar and hiss much like that of a bobcat changing its demeanor in an unexpected way. It usually does this for individuals it does not trust or know as a form of protection and can call upon this presence attack of sorts at least once a day and more as it develops its abilities alongside those of its mage or warlock master.12. Roar
Mountain Lion Their Roar can be heard for miles clearly signaling the territory of the Mountain lions of on the continent of Arimar. The Lions can get up 5-6 feet tall standing on all fours and almost 12 feet in length Their fur color can range from a Tawny Golden Brown to harvest gold and even a few almost snow white in color. The Mountain Lions of Evermyst can be found as far west as the Bleakbourne Peaks of Western Arimar, Northeast in the Stoneshard Peaks, East to the Moorburough Highlands, and, southeast in the greenhead mountains. It is said they hunt within an 8 to 12-mile range of their territory at night but their roars can often be heard from several miles through these mountain ranges. The Males often have thick fur manes while the females will often have a tuft of fur under the neck or chin.Not Typically expected from a creature of this type one often mistakes this animal's calls for the shrieking of a woman in distress but in actuality, it is the calls of Highland cougars. Not quite as large as the Moutain Lions of Arimar but probably just as dangerous inexperienced hunters often fall prey to the distressed-sounding shrieks of the Highland cougar mistaking it for a woman's shrieks and stumbling into a trap usually set up by a Highland Cougar Tribe. Highland Cougars are more prolific than their cousin the mountain lion and are found on all the continents of Evermyst Usually steering clear of Moutain lion's territory but living in the lower elevations of the mountains or foothills looking for easier prey near settlements and farms if they cannot find sufficient prey such as Pudu or other highland herbivores.
14. Howl
Warg It is said that a Wargs howl is deeper and more sinister than that of a normal wolf. To most people's ears, they probably cannot tell the difference between the Wolf and the Warg but a skilled ranger or beast hunter most certainly can. Wargs are Highly Intelligent and along with this their hearts an incredibly cruel. Wargs are nearly double the size of a large wolf and at least twice as tough they are of a mythical nature and can understand both the Goblin Tongue and that of Elves with the latter being their dreaded enemy. Wargs seek to impose their dominance over a pack of wolves and ensure its bloodline and the odds of having more Warg offspring often being the primary male allowed to breed if one controls a pack. Even rare are Female Wargs legend says they are doubly cruel-hearted over males with this cruelty Warg partnering with Warg has greater certainty of extending their bloodline. Often Warg Males will fight to the death for the privilege to mate with a Female Warg and female Wargs know which in their litter is the weakest and will often kill these or leave them near death rather than spare what little love they give to a weak one of its young. The Howls of Wargs have been known to instill fear those unfamiliar with these howls are often sparked to run in fear which leads to a more gruesome fate of being run down and eaten by the Pack under their control.15. Tamed
Musk Ox Often an unexpected site is the Domesticated Musk Ox that serves as a beast of burden for many of the Halfling Nomadic tribes of the Western and North Central plains of the continent of Arimar. Not only do they use them to pull wagons and carts or plow fields but some tribes have organized units of Scout and cavalry military units. One does not want to be on the receiving end of a Brave unit of Armored Halflings charging you down mounted on Musk Oxen. Once Domesticated the Musk Oxen become very familiar with the halfling Nomad tribe's migratory trails that they often don't need guidance or steering to pull the wagons to the next encampment site as they follow their own scent left behind that often lingers long enough for the sensitive snout of a Musk Ox. Musk Oxen do have their own strong and often displeasing scent, Most Halfling nomads are used to this smell though, and often can't smell it on themselves. The Male Musk Oxens odor sometimes can spook off Predators or the occasional Enemy or Friendly horse cavalry unit if it is their mating season or a large number of them are gathered together in one place.16. Pack
Wolf Perhaps the most prolific hunters wolves are all too common a danger in the lands of Evermyst they wander the Highlands, Forests, and even the Open plains as well as the badlands and dry areas. Hearing Howls while traveling in the wilderness of Evermyst during Twilight or night hours is almost as common as chirping birds and the whistle of the wind during the day if you find yourself a half days travel away from major civilized areas and folks in more remote areas think of it as part with the territory. With these howls, if you hear a response it usually indicates a pack of wolves and for all, you know you could be stalked by a pack of wolves far more dangerous than being stalked by a lone wolf. Wolves of Evermyst are cunning they like to look for and seize opportunities to single out their prey this trait alone makes them a challenging opponent packs of wolves have been known to get considerably large and stalk targets for days picking off stragglers to weaken a group for a more planned attack. Packs of wolves are particularly dangerous if under the guidance and control of a Warg who exerts dominance over the pack and their actions.17. Burrow
Giant Ant Beneath the ground of Evermyst, many Creatures make borrows and live underground many harmless and some problematic Giant Ants are one of those such creatures their burrows and colonies sometimes threaten villages and towns. Normal-sized ants are all but a given in Evermyst but, when those ants are of the giant variety they can reach the size of a typical sheepdog and overwhelm you in numbers. Lords have been known to hire adventurers to head into these burrows and eradicate the colony before it can get too large. Giant Ant colonies are more prolific in the Southern Hemisphere of Evermyst and in the Dry Desert regions of the World.18. Bond
Steppe Horse In Evermyst people and creatures can certainly establish bonds but no bond is as great as that between a Trained Steppe Horse and its Outrider Master. This Bond is uncanny beyond measure. Outriders pride themselves in training with and raising loyal and reliable mounts that can take them through all sorts of dangerous and undesirable conditions. Steppe Horses are one of the best breeds for this. Fast and sure-footed these horses have little to no fear of treading where many other sorts of horses would not go. Steppe horses have a high endurance if treated properly will be loyal beyond measure. Some have been known to not accept any other rider than their master and will go to great lengths to aid or return to their masters. In the Wilds Steppe horses are tough to catch and break but once broken rest assured you have a potential animal friend for life. Steppe horses make great courier and scouting mounts but are not the biggest and strongest when it comes to carrying a fully armored knight and barding. For that look to the Morbourough highlands or the Tarringails which are known for their Stockier breed of Warhorses.19. Stinky
Dretch From the Ashen and Gaseous Fissures in the Badlands of Evermyst comes another demonic creature from the planes of Hell the Dretch. large hairless grey-skinned Demonic Apes that hunt in packs. These hideous creatures can easily leap and bound over rough rocky terrain with ease that most would have trouble doing. The always have a scent of Rotten eggs or Sulfor about them and can emit noxious clouds of green gas from their pores several times a day causing those who get too close to becoming nauseous and even poisoned this is especially dangerous if you encounter a pack of Dretch. Dretch obviously tolerate and they are not affected by their own Stink. It is said that Dretch serves as the Rabble For Greater Demons such as Balrogs and Belor and that they can be sent to serve those who make pacts with Devils or Demon lords.20. Gentle
Carabao Although they possess Intimidatingly large Horns this Beast of Burden is known for being the most gentle among domesticated Beasts. The Carabao is the favored Beast of Burden of the Ilongo People of islands to the south and east of the continent of Avalar. Carabao is very Docile hardly anything spooks them. They react to strangers much the same as their masters and never become stubborn no matter how much work you put them through. The Carabao has been known to be particularly gentle around young children and will gladly accept riders. These beasts are not particularly fast but can work all day. A Carabao prefers to rest in shallow water or mud ponds and only have one pace "SLOW" but they can do it all day and in a most gentle loving way.21. Messenger
Carrier Pigeon With an Uncanny memory and ability to cover hundreds of miles in a Day many Civilized societies of Evermyst have domesticated carrier Pigeons that act as animal messengers. Any Respectable Lord will have at least a dozen of these or more in his service often with a peasant caretaker. In big cities, there are often paid Carrier pigeon service establishments. Carrier Pigeons are domesticated from wild Rock pigeons they are then selectively bred and pigeons with thinner builds, longer necks, and iridescent plumage usually reflect their differences. These Pigeons are specifically trained to fly from one location to another. The Brightest of these Birds are often trained and carried about by generals of armies to serve as remote messengers. Carrier Pigeons Typically live at least 10-15 years with some a rare few living up to incredibly 20 years. Once trained they can fly up to 400 miles between two set locations or to a roost with a Traveling Army. Carrier Pigeons are known to have keen vision and a sense of direction.22. Food
Game Hen When one sees Game Hens the first thing that comes to mind is food. The Term Game hens Refer to all manner of Chickens that can be found in almost any region in Evermyst. This means wild Game Hens and domesticated ones often referred to as chickens are easy to breed and reproduce making them a natural food staple for most of the civilized societies of Evermyst. In the wilds, Game hens are often hunted for meat or those trained in survival may stumble across their nests and find a few Eggs. Game hens Lay their eggs seasonally and may only produce about 12-14 eggs in a year but domesticated game hens often produce up to two eggs in a given day with a typical yearly number of about 300 eggs. Color of Plumage, Size, and Level of Egg production are all parts of regional variations in the breed of game hens depending on the interest and desires of the breeder some are bred for laying others for their meat while some are bred for hobby or prestige and some for gambling and the fighting sport. All in all no matter when a game hen's life ends more than likely it ends up being food for someone or some other animal in the end.23. Vicious
Tigershark If you happen to be swimming in the ocean waters of Evermyst and you come across a Tigershark you are most certainly in the presence of one of the most Vicious animals to swim in Evermyst's Seas. Tigersharks are Curious and Opportunistic Predators that will gladly take a bite out of anything just to see if it likes the taste of it. Tigersharks will eat almost anything attacking it with a Vicious burst of speed and their angled razor teeth usually latch into their prey and wildly thrash about to disorient its prey and subdue it to make it a meal. Tigersharks Swim slowly but can call upon this unexpected burst of speed when it needs to. The Tigersharks of Evermyst prefer warmer waters and will migrate seasonally to warmer waters when cold fronts and storms are affecting the northern waters of Evermsyt. Tigersharks of Evermyst typically run 13-15 feet in length when full grown some have been known to get as large as 25 feet and are only dwarfed by Whales, Giant Squid & Octapai, and Great White Sharks. These Predators have a sense for calamity and misfortune and often are the first ones to show up around a floundering or sinking ship or something wounded or bleeding in the water making this one of the most vicious creatures in Evermyst's oceans.24. Silent
Black Adder More often than not the Black Adder Snake is referred to as a Silent killer. These snakes prefer to live in warm rocky regions or among tall grass near the woodlands Edge. But many times The Black adder may innocently slither into a farmer's Basket of fresh produce just to relax in warmth and seclusion. Unbeknownst to the farmer or possibly a produce shopper the Black Adder will Strike mainly out of defense for being disturbed or touched. Those Struck by a Black Adders Bite more than likely won't hear anything perhaps a barely audible hiss but this is most certainly after it has made its striking attack. In the wild, these snakes typically hunt small rodents and birds quietly searching for food they more realistically tend to slither away from bustling human activity but get a bad reputation due to Superstition and the occasional misfortune of coming under a defensive Strike by one. A Black adders Bite can range from Hardly Poisonous to extremely poisonous and there are actually several breeds of this snake that fall into this family that range from Dark Charcoal black in color to Deep Dark green They all have some sort of side-to-side banding and can range from 1 to 4 feet in length. Black Adders Live in warmer Regions that are not prone to snow or freezing temperatures.25. Parasite
Blood Worm Legend has it That Blood worms are born from the spilled blood of Evil Fey Creatures that has seeped into the earth or from slain fairies that were killed by evil magics over fertile soils. These Worms then multiply around the Site of desecration and get to be up to 12 inches in length. They do not move fast but can sense the presence of living things within their area of infestation. These Blood Worms look for the most part like large earthworms but have an aperture mouth at one end with small razor-sharp teeth that bite into the skin and release hundreds of parasitic larvae into its targets bloodstream once bitten this is the only time a Bloodworm shows its true color as it turns Blood red in color and injects its larvae. These larvae feed on the body within and without magical or spiritual healing these parasitic larvae will devour the body eventually becoming more blood worms infesting the ground where this creature falls and dies. Grounds infested with such creatures as the blood worm need powerful magics or spiritual spells to be rid of the infestations.26. Predator
Giant Black Widow Shunning the light this Gigantic predator tends to live in the darker regions of Evermyst, Deep dark Primordial regions of the Forest, underground caves and caverns, and regions of the deep Underdark. The Giant Black widow is often a cunning and stealthy predator placing sensory strands of webbing considerable distances away from its lair using its web sense it tries to stealthfully sneak up on its target and strike by entangling it with more webbing and or injecting it with venom to paralyze its victim. These Gaint Balck Widows can get upwards to 25 feet wide and live for hundreds of years. Smaller ones sometimes are Domesticated as pets or riding beasts by Goblins or Evil Drow while the oldest has vast regions of cave networks or sections of forest covered in webs. The Female Giant Black widows have many males serving them killing their mates after fertilizing their eggs the Females mate with only the strongest. Legend has it that some of these Giant Black widows can speak or communicate telepathically. Their Venom is incredibly deadly not only causing paralyzation but certain death if stung by the greatest of these Giant Black widows.27. Stalk
Krampus In the colder alpine regions of Evermyst in particular the Hills and Highlands of the Frostrill Mountains and the Moorburough Highlands one might find themselves being stalked by the Krampus. This Creature is rumored to be Half Demon Half Beast resembling a Fanged Stag Walking Upright like a Huge man. Krampus of legend stalks a remote village or hamlet in search of young children to eat or to terrorize their inhabitants into sacrificial offers and worship to appease the Krampus and keep it from haunting the village. Most of these sorts of offerings never go well for the villages that enter into this sort of agreement and most definitely for the Offeree of such sacrifices usually small or teen children. A Krampus is typically a Lone and Loathsome creature of considerable power and strength. They have the ability to instill fear upon sight and are adept at stealth and stalking and waiting for the right moment to strike They make their homes in High rocky caves usually with a couple of entrances from which they can stealthfully look out for intruders. The have a Particularly nasty set of sharp claws and teeth and a Howl that can scare most people they have a fondness for eating young flesh but won't turn down older human flesh if the opportunity is presented.The World of Evermyst was created by Christopher J Burson AKA: Craftydm
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