Legacy of War Session 2: Barrows and Bandits Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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Legacy of War Session 2: Barrows and Bandits

General Summary

Our Cast of Characters:
  • Kentaro Tamagotchi, Tiefling (Oni) Samurai (Shogun Archetype), portrayed by Jerry
  • Raphael Harper, Aasimar (Azata) Oracle (Pei Zen Practitioner Archetype), portrayed by Derp
  • Nodi Earthfall, Human Wizard (Evocation-Admixture School), portrayed by Toasted
  • Chuffy Toesmasher, Goblin Unchained Monk (Master of Many Styles), portrayed by Dr. Feems
And Our Friends:
  • Emilio, a former student of magic transformed into a donkey. He pulls the cart.
Cornered Like Rats: The Adventure Continues
Last we saw our heroes, they had been surrounded by a pack of yellow-eyed freaks with crossbows and confronted by a strange woman wielding one of the artifacts. Naturally, negotiations were... tense. The woman was named Carachek, and after some back and forth it was agreed that the party could talk with her privately back at some weird settlement. Everyone went to the Scavenged City, a section of the sewers that's sort of like a miniature Dragonscale made entirely out of garbage. After receiving promises of anonymity, Carachek revealed herself and her fellows as wererats living off of the scraps of human society. She promised that she would trade the artifact to them if the party would only recover some stolen medical supplies on behalf of the rats. On the way out, they hit up the rotting rat library, where Chuffy got to purchase some disgusting, moldy books of untold filth accumulation.   
Back to the Surface
The fight with the rats had taken a lot out of our heroes, and it was late. They retreated to their rooms, rested, and waited for the next day. During this period of downtime, some people in the party got obsessed with the idea of a poisoned egg spell... also Chuffy mixed his newly acquired mold with about a dozen boiled eggs.   
A Radical Act of Free Magic
While the rest of the party sought out a place called Secondhand Magic, Chuffy went investigating for thieves. He did, in fact, find a cellar with a pair of roughnecks. He poisoned the "bandits" through their drinks. Meanwhile, the others found Secondhand Magic and placed some orders- only to hear screaming. Naturally, they and the proprietor went to investigate, discovering that Chuffy was in fact in the magic shop's basement, the magic shop was in fact a front for the Thieves' Guild, and they did in fact need to GTFO. So they did, after getting some free magical goodies in exchange for GTFO.   
The Actual Bandits
And so armed, our brave heroes made their way out of the city and tracked down the bandits. It was a slaughter. Of four bandits, only two survived and some members of the party were brutally injured. (INSERT AFTERMATH HERE)   To make a long story short, the gang won, collected treasure, went back to the rat-city entrance, and traded boxes of "medicine" for an all-powerful deathscythe. A fair trade. We left off thereabouts. 

Rewards Granted

  • 250 XP each (350/2000 total)
  • Lots of treasures and rewards, which can be checked on the spreadsheet pinned in the discord, as there is far too much to list here
  • Also the Reaper's Staff if you care about that sort of thing. 

Missions/Quests Completed

Rats in the Walls: Met and did not attack the secret wererat faction. Who knows what rewards this could bring in the future?   Bandit's Bane: Killed your first human enemies. Uh, congratulations?    The High Road: Managed to make enemies with the Iron Shadow before even a single week passed in-game, that's some kind of record.


World Event: 263, A Quite Disturbing Afternoon (The party comes down with a case of the hauntings once there is a period of convenient downtime)   In-game date is Hydar, 5th of Magor, 1445. Rough in-game time around 4 PM.   
Faction Weight
  • Farangenor's Faction (+1)
  • Wererats (+1)
  • Dragonscale Watch (+1)
  • Iron Shadow (-1)
Report Date
02 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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