Everwood Geographic Location in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Everwood is a primal forest, vast and endless.
  Some believe is it's own plane of existence or perhaps some cursed forest that one enters and never leaves.
  Though the forest may change it's makeup from deciduous or coniferous and even contain more marsh and hilly areas, the tall trees of the wood remain, stretching out as far as can be seen when viewed above the canopy. Clearings are common, but large valleys do not exist.
  Trees grow larger in the Evermore Wood than they would elsewhere.

Beyond the Wood

  Memory of what lays beyond the wood is hazy at best and non-existent at worst for those who spend a great deal of time there. Those who are new to the forest tend to be forgetful of how they got there. Even the longer lived species have never left the woods, though they may have traveled for years or decades in one direction either along a forest path, a handmade road, or a river there are none that have ever left the wood. Even for those new to the Wood have only vague memories of the world beyond and only a feeling of having entered the Wood.
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