House of the Dead Organization in Evera | World Anvil

House of the Dead

Mortuaries in Ilia Bay:
Here, the dead are prepared for burial according to customs. Before that, however, they investigate whether they died of natural causes and cooperate with local authorities by reporting the murders (mostly). Employees treat the dead with respect and the living with compassion.
Disguised agents and priests of the Temple of the Dead are present in the larger settlements of the islands of Ilia Bay, as morgue workers and graveyard caretakers. Great sources of local information include:
  • about the latest gossip.
  • about local customs and quirks.
  • about politics and famous personalities.
  • about almost forgotten legends.
They usually also have various written lists, if nothing else, a death certificate.
Religious, Other

The House of the Dead is almost everywhere run by the followers of the goddess Pandora.

An exception is perhaps the case of Dwarven crypts.

A tolerated institution.

The Church of Solioran has less influence in the Ilia Bay area than on the continent of Lifeon or Utea, so these institutions are mostly tolerated due to their useful work.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: Pandora by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
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