Followers of Pandora Organization in Evera | World Anvil

Followers of Pandora

Followers of Pandora in Lifeon serve her as Mistress of Darkness, mostly in hidden shrines, since Sir Laspdyel Pendragon and his companions defeated the goddess in battle. In contrast, on the islands of Ilia Bay she is revered as the Goddess of Death, a wielder of power and mystery that is still powerful and feared. Its central temple is a black pyramid located on the "Island of the Dead" in the City of the Dead. The religion has smaller sanctuaries, but they are usually hidden from the unsuspecting islanders, and if someone does get suspicious, it's wiser to keep their mouths shut...   The executive body of the Temple of the Dead is the Army of the Dead.   There is a strict hierarchy in the Temple and in the Army. Superiors must be obeyed in all cases. The head of the church is High Priestess Isouda, while the Army is General Hamon.   Disguised agents and priests of the Temple of the Dead are present in the larger settlements of the islands of Ilia Bay, as are the workers of the morgues and the caretakers of the graveyards.  Great sources of local information include:
  • about the latest gossip.
  • about local customs and quirks.
  • about politics and famous personalities.
  • about almost forgotten legends.
  They usually also have various written lists, if nothing else, a death certificate.

Mitológia & Tanok

Pandora and her twin-sister Estanna once lived hand in hand as goddesses of night and day on one of Evera's outer realm, the Elemental plane of Earth and Nature. The two beautiful goddesses soon had a suitor, in the person of Solioran, God of Life , who secretly wooed both of them. Although he promised his love to the goddess Pandora one night, he ran away with her sister the next day. Pandora almost went crazy with the humiliation and swore bloody revenge against her sister. For many years, its darkness covered the continent of Lifeon (Time of The Great Darkness), and with her followers she subjugated the remaining followers of the Goddess of Light. Later, a group of heroes arrived on Lifeon with Solioran's mark and relic and pushed back, nearly exterminating Pandora's church and army. Eventually, the goddess was defeated (with the help of Solioran, Estanna, and other deities) in battle in the dark depths of the Core and the Elemental Plane of Nature. After that, Pandora's power (and the number of her followers) dwindled, she herself was stuck on the Elemental plane of Fire, but she didn't give up her revenge yet!


  • Everything you do must work for Pandora's glory.
  • You must follow the path designated by your superiors.
  • In the first hour, pray to Pandora.
  • You have to prove yourself every day.
  • Strive to become more powerful in Pandora's eyes.
  • Seek knowledge, because knowledge brings you closer to Pandora's goals.
  • Act on your darkest desires if it leads to your goal.
  • Stay loyal to the (church) community.
  • You have to work hard and spend wisely.
  • You must serve the temple by collecting worldly goods (50% of all your income belongs to the temple).


There are no individual rights in "lawful" evil churches. The Church/state is supreme, and the follower must devote all his efforts to it. The Church teaches how much easier it is to achieve success without burdening mercy or compassion. Individual success can only be tolerated if the individual makes a proportionately greater "contribution" to the growth of the church.

Looks can be deceiving!

Religious, Cult
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Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: Pandora by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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