Background Traits in Eumaea | World Anvil

Background Traits

Background traits are traits that shape how your character’s past intertwines with the story of the campaign. Unless otherwise stated, bonuses from Background Traits stack with bonuses from Origin Traits, even if they are of the same type.   Blight Specialist: Somewhere in your past, you have witnessed the effects of The Blight, and have spent time attempting to figure out how to treat it. You can make Knowledge checks untrained concerning the Blight or Black Blood, gain a +2 competency bonus on Heal checks made to treat the Blight, and gain a +1 competency bonus on all saving throws against Black Blood effects and the Blight.   Azagog Adversary: You have some ill history with The Church of Azagog, and its members. You gain +1 morale bonus on Sense Motive checks, initiative checks, attack rolls, and damage rolls against targets you know to be members of the Church or creatures you know to be summoned by known Church members.   Black Blood Hunter: You are in some way trained to fight abominations that possess Black Blood. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by creatures you know to have the Black Blood subtype, as well as a +1 competency bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against such targets. Additionally, you gain a +2 competency bonus to Reflex saves against Black Blood effects.   Sublime Purity: You are possessed with an abnormally high amount of Purity. You begin with 2 Hero Points at 1st level instead of 1, and the maximum number of Hero Points you can have at one time is 4 instead of 3. You may cast raise dead (as per the spell) using your Hit Dice as your caster level, and 4 Hero Points in place of the spell’s material component. You do not know you have this ability. Prerequisites: Any Good alignment and worship any Good deity.   Grizzled Veteran: You are a veteran of the war between The Vesperin Empire and The Kingdom of Guardia (for either side). You gain a +1 competency bonus on Knowledge (history, geography, local, nobility) checks relevant to Draydar, and may make such checks untrained. Additionally, you gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves against fear effects. Finally, whenever you roll for hit points, you may roll twice and take the higher result. Prerequisites: Martial weapon proficiency.   Altirisian Scholar: You have spent time researching the lost nation of Altiris and its many mysteries. You gain a +1 competency bonus on any Knowledge checks related to the Altiris Covenant and may make such checks untrained. The DCs of all Divination spells you cast are increased by 1. Finally, you gain a +1 competency bonus to all Will saves.   Black Eye Member: You have spent time working for the Black Eye Thieves’ Guild. You are trained in thievery and assassination to some degree. You gain a +2 competency bonus to Stealth checks and a +1 competency bonus to Initiative. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on saves vs poison. Prerequisites: Any non-Good alignment.   Draydar Wanderer: You have spent a large portion of your life traveling all around Draydar, perhaps as a merchant, perhaps as a criminal, or perhaps just for fun. You gain a +2 competency bonus on Knowledge (local, geography, history, nobility) checks, and may make such checks untrained. You gain a free skill rank in Linguistics and gain Run as a bonus feat at 1st level.


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