Hiraeth Seras Character in Ethuria | World Anvil
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Hiraeth Seras

Hiraeth Seras

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Drukhari silver necklace with a dark ruby stone

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hiraeth was left by her Drukhari elven parents so that she could have a better life than what they could offer her. Her parents and the rest of the elves fled to the Red Mountains as their home (now the Scorched Plains) was destroyed by a fire. She was taken in by a family in the village Rosestrand. They raised her like their own, however, she felt constantly out of place and longed to be reunited with her birth parents. She grew restless as she failed to understand why her family would abandon her. She began to lose control and would lash out at those around her. After hurting her only real friend Stellato she left the village to protect those who were important to her. She ended up at the monastery on the outskirts of the village and realised this was where she was meant to be. She trained in the Way of Shadow and learned how to control her explosive anger. After completing her training she left in search of her parents with the hope that she would find what she was missing.

Gender Identity



Bisexual and proud


She is very studious as she spent hours upon hours in libraries trying to search for information about the whereabouts of her parents.

Mental Trauma

Being abandonded by her parents left Hiraeth scarred as she is unable to understand why. Her tendecy to lash out in anger which accidentally causes her to harm those around her is something she tries to run from.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated by her strive to find her parents and end the agony she has endured as a result.

Hiraeth -longing for a home that was never yours. Also haha boobies.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greyish Blueish
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Elvish