Zedrag Species in Ethrosa | World Anvil


Um, Osnad? What are these red crystaly creatures? Did I fall into their home? They seem friendly.
— Nini Thornhand while laying in a hole of Zedrag talking to her brother Osnad

Basic Information

Zedrags are active fertilizers and pollinators. Their excrement acts as a potent natural fertilizer that provides the flora with a slight red sheen in the sunlight. Small (human palm sized) dragon/bee looking creatures the color of blood red crystal. Zedrag's body is covered in blood red crystal-type scales and its wings are shaped like a present day bee wings that have a red iridescent tinge to them.


The Zedrag have a cross between modern day bees and fantasy dragons. Their wings are shaped like a dragons but with the transparency of bees. The body an interesting mix between bee and dragon has red iridescent scales around their entire body. These creatures do not have stingers as modern day bees do, but their bite is injected with venom.  


They live off of pollen and nectar from plants and also nutrients in the roots and soil.  


There are many differences between natural reproduction and domestic breeding. The biggest difference is in domestic breeding the perceived kings and queens are brought together frequently in an area to breed along with their attendant Zedrags; whereas, in natural reproduction breeding can happen between any of the kings and queens and only seems to happen every 800 years.  

Accidental Discovery

A small halfling child, Nini Thornhand, was running through the forest with her brother, Osnad, and proceeded to trip and fall into a hole where these tiny red crystal dragon bee type creatures were fluttering by. Once out of the hole Nini and Osnad ran back to their home to the Little Petals Orphanage to tell one of the teacher what they had found. In true modern day Hansel and Gretel style, they left bits of bread to mark their trail. Later to be called Zedrag by a colony of Zedrag lived. Head Teacher Thirbod Hillfall called upon on of the local zoologist, Jassin Petwenys, to study the creatures.  


After Jassin Petweys' research the highly regarded gnome couple of Happy Feet, Julian (husband) and Slomwoth (wife), worked to domesticate the Zedrags as garden boosters. They worked with the Zedrags to have them live not only underground but on top of the earth to source for nutrients. During this process the couple found that Zedrags are quite intelligent, friendly creatues, but extermely stubborn.
1500 years
Average Height
3 inches not including the wings
Average Weight
4 grams
Average Length
5 inches not including the wings
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DMmyali via Canva


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